Nazim Hikmet
Anima mia
Anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
e come s'affonda nell'acqua
immergiti nel sonno
nuda e vestita di bianco
il più bello dei sogni
ti accoglierà
anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
abbandonati come nell'arco delle mie braccia
nel tuo sonno non dimenticarmi
chiudi gli occhi pian piano
i tuoi occhi marroni
dove brucia una fiamma verde
anima mia.
Amo in te
l'avventura della nave che va verso il polo
amo in te
l'audacia the players of the great discoveries in
love you far away things you love about the impossible
later in your eyes like in a forest
sunny and sweaty
hungry angry I have the passion of the hunter
to bite into your flesh.
love you in the impossible
but not despair.
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before it burns
PARIS Paris, 1958
As long time yet, my love
and before long even burn Paris
time, my love
until my heart is on his branch
I would like a night in May
one night along the Seine
mouth and then going to Notre-Dame
contemplate his
rosette, and suddenly bolting me
fear of joy and wonder
the stars weep silently weep
mixed with light rain. Until
still time, my love and before it burns
Paris until more time, my love
until my heart is on his branch
on this night of May
under the willows along the Seine, my rose, with you under
the weeping willows soft rain
I'd say the two words most repeated in Paris
the most repeated, the most sincere
burst of happiness
whistling a song and we will believe in men.
In alto, le case di pietra
senza incavi nè gobbe
coi loro muri al chiar di luna
e le loro finestre diritte che dormono in piedi
e sulla riva di fronte il Louvre
illuminato dai proiettori
illuminato da noi due
il nostro splendido palazzo
di cristallo.
Finchè ancora tempo, mio amore
e prima che bruci Parigi
finchè ancora tempo, mio amore
finchè il mio cuore è sul suo ramo
in questa notte di maggio, lungo la Senna, nei depositi
ci siederemmo sui barili rossi
di fronte al fiume scuro nella notte
per salutare la chiatta dalla cabina gialla che passa
- verso il Belgio o verso l'Olanda? -
front of the cab a woman with a white apron
smiles sweetly. Until
still time, my love and before it burns
Paris until more time, my love.
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You're my bondage my freedom my bondage
You are my freedom
are my burning flesh
as the bare flesh of the summer nights
you're my home, with green reflections of your eyes you
, tall and victorious
are my nostalgia
of knowing at the very moment that grabs you
- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Ciò che ho scritto di noi
Ciò che ho scritto di noi è tutta una bugia
è la mia nostalgia
cresciuta sul ramo inaccessibile
è la mia sete
tirata su dal pozzo dei miei sogni
è il disegno
tracciato su un raggio di sole
ciò che ho scritto di noi è tutta verità
è la tua grazia
cesta colma di frutti rovesciata sull'erba
è la tua assenza
quando divento l'ultima luce all'ultimo angolo della via
è la mia gelosia
quando corro di notte fra i treni con gli occhi bendati
è la mia felicità
fiume soleggiato che irrompe sulle dighe
ciò che ho scritto of us is all a lie
what I have written about us is all truth.
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do not ask me the translation, do not know.
but you can hear his first one in his language and poetry, is wonderful for me 2 hear what kind of language I have to learn! =)
Pencereler (windows)
I, with a book of poems such as these in my hands, I am leaving for Istanbul.
to make good ....
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Disneyland Pirate Leather Bracelets
the endorsers of this show we are citizens with full use of our civil rights and holders of popular sovereignty, from which emanate the powers of the state.
Signatories we went to all citizens, aware of the situation of poverty, hunger and disease in which a large part of the human population in a historical moment like this, which have the sufficient political, economic and scientific that could solve these problems.
This manifesto is a universal calling, and is addressed to all humanity, every human being that inhabits the planet, to become aware of the terrible situation faced by millions of people and somehow act accordingly to end this untenable situation. Therefore, the original version in English will be translated into different languages, since our purpose is to make the voice of public opinion in places where decisions are political and economic world.
We went to the politicians who rule our countries, as well as the highest representatives of international organizations such as the United Nations Organization, and the Presidents and Governments of economically powerful countries on Earth.
1 .- That this text has its origin in the fact of the extreme situation of need and hunger suffered by much of the population of the Earth and the unequal and unfair distribution of goods currently exists in the world. We understand that fairness and harmony in the world are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, making it unacceptable that a large part of the world population have to face a reality so precarious, so much of injustice, inequality, hunger, poverty and malnutrition. 2 .-
believe that this situation is particularly evil and not acceptable either morally or ethically, as all human beings are born free and equal. We also plead that all citizens of the world have these rights from the moment of his birth and not a future promise to be reached depending on the political, social or economic life of their countries. 3 .-
argue that it is completely unjust, immoral and a humanitarian crime punishable by international courts and history that, in the twenty-first century, human beings exist in the world starve and die for it. It is an aggravating circumstance that, existing laws sufficient international well as the technical, economic and scientific steps to remedy the situation, those who exercise power in the world do not carry out the necessary actions to address what future generations will describe as a real genocide in which offenders are those who, having the means to solve the problem, but not using them.
4 .- We consider this unfair situation is contrary to Natural Law, Human Rights and the most elementary rules of ethics and understand that it is time that the voice of public opinion demands from their leaders the end of such state of affairs. 5 .-
this manifesto is not a utopian manifesto; and which is not a political manifesto, nor is it intended with the same setting up a new political or socio-economic world, nor any damage to the business, social and health in the developed world, but the most elementary justice to the disadvantaged.
1 .- The adoption of immediate and urgent measures to alleviate such a situation of hunger, disease and malnutrition in the Third World. We believe that such measures are not a utopia, but are perfectly viable and possible.
2 .- Maintain a commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals which were established by the UN in the year 2000, defined the principles that must be adjusted performance of countries and the international economic system to overcome, with the horizon set in 2015, the injustices that afflict humanity.
3 .- The systematic development of actions to the poorest countries and establish a logical and humane economic policy priorities, intelligent projects that create wealth and jobs in the affected countries, facilitating development sustainable and help them progress to the consolidation of a Health, economic and social environment that makes it possible for an equal starting position.
4 .- measures are taken to ensure that the richest countries allocate a portion of their budgets to create wealth, businesses and jobs in the affected countries and the adoption of an international agreement that makes it possible in the UN mandatory for developed countries.
5 .- The implementation of an ethical code governing the strategy of multinational enterprises and the elimination of tax havens and the implementation of the Tobin tax, or a similar one in international business transactions, that could produce solidarity fund managed by the UN.
6 .- Do not accept simple statements de principios que no se traduzcan en políticas concretas. En definitiva, APELAMOS al sentido de la generosidad y humanidad de todos, y fundamentalmente de la clase política internacional económicamente poderosa.
Desde la tierra que espera y cree firmemente en la Solidaridad que construya un mundo mejor y más justo, a 30 de enero de 2009"
Gli aderenti a questo manifesto siamo cittadini nel pieno uso dei nostri diritti civili, e titolari della sovranitá popolare, dalla cuale emana il potere dello Stato.
I sottoscritti ci rivolgiamo ai cittadini del mondo, consapevoli dello stato di povertá, fame e malattia in cui si trova una gran parte della popolazione umana in un momento storico come l’attuale, cuando si hanno a disposizione tanti strumenti politici, economici e scientifici che potrebbero risolvere questi problemi.
Questo manifesto é un appello universale rivolto a tutta l’umanitá, a ogni essere umano che abita nel mondo, affinche diventi cosciente della terribile situazione che affrontano milioni di persone e in qualche modo agisca per fare fine a questa situazione insostenibile. Ed é per questo che la versione orignale é in spagnolo; il nostro proposito é quello di far sentire la voce dell’oppinione pubblica nei luoghi dove si decidono i destini politici ed economici del mondo.
We turn to the politicians who rule our countries, even the representatives of International Organizations, such as the UN, and the presidents and governments of the richest countries in the world.
1 .- That this text comes from the observation of 'extreme situation of the needs and hunger suffered by a large part of the world population and the unequal and unjust distribution of goods that currently exist in the world. We intend that equanimity and harmony in the world are based in the recognition of the dignity and inalienable rights of the members of the human family, so it's unacceptable that a large part of the world population debba far fronte a una realtá tanto precaria, a un tale grado d ingiustizia e disuguaglianza, a tanta fame, povertá e denutrizione.
2.- Che consideriamo che questa situazione é sostanzialmente perversa e non puó essere ammessa né moralmente né eticamente, dal momento che tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed uguali. Abbiamo anche presente che tutti i cittadini del mondo hanno questi diritti fin dal momento della nascita e non come una promessa futura che dipenderá dalla realtá politica, sociale o economica dei loro paesi.
3.- Che difendiamo che é totalmente ingiusto, immorale ed é un crimine umanitario punibile dai tribunali internazionali e la Storia, il fatto che in pieno Secolo XXI, esistano human beings dying of hunger in the world, with 'aggravating existing international laws and technical, economic and scientific means to correct what is happening, those who exercise power in the world do not take the necessary action to solve what future generations will judge as a real genocide, where the culprits are all those with the means to resolve, but not using them.
4 .- We consider that this situation is contrary to Natural Law, Human Rights and the elemental rules of ethics, and we understand that the moment has come when the voice of the public demands from their leaders by the end of this situation .
5 .- That this is not obvious neither utopian nor political, it is not damage to the business, health and social world made software, and does not claim even the establishment of a new political or socio-economic world, but the most elementary justice to the underprivileged.
1 .- The adoption of urgent and immediate actions to address the problem of hunger, disease and malnutrition in the Third World. We think that such actions are not utopian, they are perfectly feasible. 2 .-
the promise to make the Millennium Development Goals, which established the United Nations in 2000, set out the principles che impegnano i paesi a fare ció che é necessario per superare, entro il 2015, le ingiustizie che soffre l’umanitá.
3.- La realizzazione di azioni solidarie sistematiche con i paesi in svantaggio e che si stabilisca un’ordine logico e umano di prioritá nella politica economica, con proggetti intelligenti capaci di creare ricchezza e posti di lavoro, nei paesi poveri, facilitando uno sviluppo sostenibile e un progresso che possa aiutarli, alla stabilizzazione di una rete sanitaria, economica e sociale che sia capace di permettere il ritorno a un punto di partenza ugualitaria.
4.- Prendere i provvedimenti necessari affinché i paesi piú ricchi destinino una quota del loro bilancio per creare ricchezza and work in the most disadvantaged countries, the adoption of an international agreement, which would subscribe to the UN, the required performance for the most developed countries.
5 .- The adoption of a code of ethics governing the strategies of multinational companies, the elimination of tax havens and the application of the Tobin tax, or similar, to international trade to create a solidarity fund managed by the United Nations.
6 .- Do not accept simple statements of principles that are not transformed into policy. In conclusion, we appeal to the sense of generosity and humanity of all, especially the economically powerful class in international politics.
From the land that he hopes and believes firmly in the Solidarity building a better and fairer world, January 30, 2009.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Edu-science Telescope
Manifesto Shall I be the odd one ....
that I get to say that "forgiveness" by Tiziano Ferro is the most famous Italian song but no!
and damn! ıtlıane the only songs they know in the world are: forgiveness, love you, hello beautiful (and this is ok) and fly!
Flying is a song that I relished can not hear. I do not like, only when they sing they did something ...
nice because they managed to make even the stones dance.
on hello beautiful I found a version in turkish! but not so bad as I had imagined.
(the man in the images and Deniz, a student killed by the revolutionary government.)
seriously ... I wish that the Italian songs in the world were these!
ok gıuro che la smetto, ma la cosa mı ırrıta assai.... tızıano ferro....
that I get to say that "forgiveness" by Tiziano Ferro is the most famous Italian song but no!
and damn! ıtlıane the only songs they know in the world are: forgiveness, love you, hello beautiful (and this is ok) and fly!
Flying is a song that I relished can not hear. I do not like, only when they sing they did something ...
nice because they managed to make even the stones dance.
on hello beautiful I found a version in turkish! but not so bad as I had imagined.
(the man in the images and Deniz, a student killed by the revolutionary government.)
seriously ... I wish that the Italian songs in the world were these!
ok gıuro che la smetto, ma la cosa mı ırrıta assai.... tızıano ferro....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Marijuana Nail Designs
ora la domanda:
Perche abbraccıo glı alberı? so che non sono l unıca.
la gente me lo chıede spesso, e ıo come una scema non so maı cosa rıspondere se non: "prova!"
non c e una ragıone.... solo é bello.
Sara.... confusa....
tralaltro é ıl prımo post ın cuı parlo dı alberı ın pıu dı un anno dı cavolate... strano no?
ora la domanda:
Perche abbraccıo glı alberı? so che non sono l unıca.
la gente me lo chıede spesso, e ıo come una scema non so maı cosa rıspondere se non: "prova!"
non c e una ragıone.... solo é bello.
Sara.... confusa....
tralaltro é ıl prımo post ın cuı parlo dı alberı ın pıu dı un anno dı cavolate... strano no?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How To Convert Recliner To Swivel
Pats brain
A volte servono. anzi, spesso.
I hope many of you understand the English, or at least French.
the film from which this is called "the eighth day" is French, unfortunately not as famous as merıta.cercatelo.
and poetry.
American History x
the fleeting moment
A volte servono. anzi, spesso.
I hope many of you understand the English, or at least French.
the film from which this is called "the eighth day" is French, unfortunately not as famous as merıta.cercatelo.
and poetry.
American History x
the fleeting moment
Friday, January 16, 2009
Womens Stronger Headscissor Than Men?
IO adodoro this language! is very difficult, it makes me despair I want to drop everything and go home, I would beat everyone when I speak and I do not understand ... I can not help but love her ... =)
küçücük bir bakışın
çözer goods kolayca
küçücük bir bakışın
like me can easily solve
fingers clamped tightly closed
leaf leaf leaf leaf açtırırsın
açtırırsa açtırırsın
how the first summer
how the first roses of the first summer full of mystery ... a touch of ingenious
There is no rain, no one even
such small hands small hands so there is no one
all roses in the rain, even in a deep voice have
başedilmez he strained his eyes kırılganlığınla
your every breath of eternity and death
leaf leaf leaf leaf açtırırsın
açtırırsa açtırırsın
how the first summer
first roses of the first summer mystery how an ingenious touch
such small hands even if there is no one rain rain
nobody even
There is no such small hands deep
all roses have a voice of your eyes
IO adodoro this language! is very difficult, it makes me despair I want to drop everything and go home, I would beat everyone when I speak and I do not understand ... I can not help but love her ... =)
küçücük bir bakışın
çözer goods kolayca
küçücük bir bakışın
like me can easily solve
fingers clamped tightly closed
leaf leaf leaf leaf açtırırsın
açtırırsa açtırırsın
how the first summer
how the first roses of the first summer full of mystery ... a touch of ingenious
There is no rain, no one even
such small hands small hands so there is no one
all roses in the rain, even in a deep voice have
başedilmez he strained his eyes kırılganlığınla
your every breath of eternity and death
leaf leaf leaf leaf açtırırsın
açtırırsa açtırırsın
how the first summer
first roses of the first summer mystery how an ingenious touch
such small hands even if there is no one rain rain
nobody even
There is no such small hands deep
all roses have a voice of your eyes
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