Sunday, September 26, 2010

Extracting Hydrogen From Water

Lucia Palazzo


Lucia Palazzo was born in Salerno on 22 Febbario 1983, where he currently works as a ceramics workshop: Malù Fantasy Art Via Dogana Vecchia, 25 in the beautiful historical center.


His desire to learn the art in all its facets bring to choose his course of study, from 1997 to 2001 is Diploma in Interior and exterior at the Institute State of Art "Filiberto Menna" of Salerno in 2000 and also obtained a diploma of Master of Arts with participation in the project "The school adopts a monument "as a guide to the Diocesan Museum during the event Salerno Porte Aperte same institution and between the latter always in 2001/2002 continued his studies with projects and Street Theatre Workshop Ceramico.Il 2008 appears to be a year full of commitments: The Degree in Cultural Heritage - Faculty of Literature and Philosophy with Cultural History - the Diploma in ceramics - the Internship to the Superintendent for goods historical, artistic and ethno-anthropological heritage of Salerno and Avellino, protection of heritage. In 2009 he a Certificate of Restoration of Paintings and enrolled first-year course in Art History and Criticism University of Salerno.

artistic experiences

Year 2003-2005: Certificates of participation at the Art Institute, for laboratory
Set Design and Ceramics. Winner of the contest "Draw a tile
; pottery. "

Anno2005-2006: Participation to the "SALERNO OPEN;
; Collaborazione all’evento “ADOTTA UN MONUMENTO”;

Anno 2006-2007: Esposizione artistica di sculture in ceramica presso 
                          l’Istituto Statale D’arte “ Filiberto Menna “.

Anno 2008-2009 : Vincitrice del terzo posto  City Art Prize literary 'SUNSET - Sa-
, "PETER Tagliafierro" Section ceramics.

Year 2008-2009: Assistant conservator c / o Laboratory Private Craft.

Year 2010: Participation in the exhibition event-Art promossa dall’Associazione          
                   OFFICINA 31, BORGARTE (ALBANELLA)  

                 - Researchers' Night 2010 University of Salerno. Winner of the Concert Artist.

SIZE: 60x50.
YEAR: 2009

SIZE: circ.70cm, height 80cm
YEAR: 2010

OPERA: "kiss me again"
DIMENSIONS: h 89cm, circ. 50cm
YEAR: 2010.

How Do I Know When My Period Is Over


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Converse Double Upper Lace

Researchers 'Night: Contest Winners

Researchers' Night, held in Vietri sul Mare (SA), in the splendid setting of the municipal gardens suspended between the blue sea and sky. The view over the Gulf of Salerno lit colorful harbor and city. All this was integrated with the thousands of voices around us were waiting with trepidation the awards of the artists. In the end the winners of the Researchers' Night Art Contest, selected by two European Commissioners in Brussels and who will go are: Titti Gaeta, Marlen Afef Altodè and Lucia Palace. Follow our blog for more details in recent days. See first picture of the location and the evening by Photographica , within the other photos.

Sorority Initiation Have To Wear All White

Researchers' Night

final evening of the Researchers' Night, location (Villa Comunale) a fantastic above the sea of \u200b\u200bthe fantastic Amalfi coast in the town of Vietri sul Mare. Stand interesting and warm people. Unfortunately the bad weather has had a hand by end in anticipo il programma, ricco di Arte, Musica, Laboratori, Esposizioni, Esperimenti, Arte Culinaria che non guasta mai e tanto altro. Ringrazio ufficialmente l'organizzazione per l'impegno profuso.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Franklin Mint Porcelain Bird Vase

Caesar Minucci

Cesare Minucci nasce a Salerno l'11 dicembre del 1973, dove risiede e lavora a tutt'oggi.

Egli esprime poeticamente se stesso attraverso lavori grafici che non sono solo frutto di un mero studio cromatico e geometrico, ma anche di una precisa attenzione to the message that it intends to address the viewer. Using digital tools, he creates images of surreal, dreamlike, is related to reality, current events, but from the soul of the artist revisited. Digital brushes, modifiers, filters, layers, textures are some of the tools of a new form of art (digital art) that it was incorrect and as in the past has happened to the photographic, was neglected in the consideration of many, perhaps Due to the widespread view that, by using the "machine" (in this case the computer), the artistry is overshadowed. Gradually, however, these beliefs are crumbling.

(presentation of the artist Cesare Minucci curated by Dr. Ivana Principato)


2007 - "Carved Souls" Music Terminal & Restaurant, Baronissi (SA) - shows the master Vincenzo Palazzo;
2007 - "Jazz Music & Ethno Dream" Music Terminal & Restaurant, Baronissi (SA) - with the help of his friend Michael Zizzo;
2007 - Mari & Faithful Disco ION, Salerno - photographic exhibition by Elio Mari and Michael Fedele;
2007 - "Miss Salernobynight" Piazza Santini, Capaccio (SA) - photo exhibition by Gianluca Vietri
2007 - "City of Women" Villa Comunale, Salerno - exhibition of the painter Maria Pia Mercaldi;
2007 - "Gabri" Palazzo Genovese, Salerno - solo exhibition of English Gabriele;
2007 - "sensuality" City Lounge Cafe, Salerno - show staff artist Angela Bassano;
2008 - Ippolito from Pastina "Villa Carrara, Salerno - completion of the award (along with CE.S.ME.)
2009 -" Artistik - forms and fragments of emotions "- Creative House of Salerno - in collaboration with Ivana Principato and Gianluca Puglia;
2009 - "Sensuality" City Lounge Cafe, Salerno - solo exhibition of painter Angela Bassano;
2009 - "PROJECT GIC young creative ideas" - Casa dei Creativi, Salerno - mostra collettiva in collaborazione con Ivana Principato e Gianluca Puglia;
2009 - “Sensualismi” City Lounge Cafè, Salerno - mostra personale della pittrice Angela Bassano;
2010 - Assume la direzione artistica degli eventi culturali organizzati presso l'america bar salernitano "Chez Nous" organizzando le mostre d'arte collettiva "Il volto e la maschera", "Io e gli altri", Il corpo e la mente".


2009 - "Artistika:: :forme e frammenti di emozioni" Casa dei Creativi, Salerno - presente sia come artista che curatore;
2009 - “Progetto G.I.C. - giovani idee creative” Casa dei Creativi, Salerno - presente sia come artista che curatore;
2009 - “Exibition 09” in occasione del meeteng “Salerno Invita” - complesso monumentale di S. Sofia (Sa);
2009 - “Natale secondo me” Presso locale Chez Nou, Salerno - mostra d’arte collettiva;
2010 - “Artisti per la solidarietà” Presso chiesa di S. Apollonia - oltre 60 artisti in una mostra pro Unicef;
2010 - “Il Volto e la Maschera” Presso locale Chez Nou, Salerno - mostra d’arte collettiva;
2010 - “Artisti per la solidarietà” Presso mobilificio Milionhouse di Salerno - seconda tappa della mostra pro Unicef;

2010 - “Io e gli Altri” Presso Local Chez Nou, Salerno - collective art exhibition;
2010 - "Dolce Vita" Artists on the road "on public display during Battipaglia with over 50 artists - closing ceremony of the artistic season of the sweet life as an artist;

2010 - "The Body and Mind" at the local Chez Nou, Salerno - collective art exhibition.

Opera: Bianca
Technique: Digital Paint
Dimensions: 100x70
Year: 03/2010

Opera: Canon of Beauty
Technique: Digital Paint
Size: 70x100
Year: 08/2010

Opera: Resurrection
Technique: Digital Paint
Size: 100x100
Year: 2009

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reason Factory Sound Bank To Install

The Air Free

Less than 3 days at the beginning of the art collective The Air finally free. The air finally free

sixth meeting contemporary artists
http://artisti-in-carrozze /
... -

painting sculpture music


performance art videoart post

impromptu graffiti painting
the theme this year is finally _l'aria libera_ participating artists portano il loro linguaggio ad esprimersi tra il lirismo e la fiaba,
tra il rifiuto della normalizzazione, la rabbia verso quello che succede nel mondo e la composizione di una favola critica
anche nei confronti dell’autocompiacimento dell’arte e degli artisti.
Progetto grafico/promo del VI IAC (Incontro Artisti Contemporanei) di Carla Battisti
Realizzazione grafica/promo evento collaterale mostra arte postale “Esserci senza esserci 3” di _guroga

_comitato artistico_
luca gennai, antonio de rose, barbara calonaci, luigi zucconi, enzo correnti

_info – contatti_
artistiincarrozzeria @ gmail. Com barbara
Calonaci - 3478712387
enzo current cell - cell 3475729513
participating artists (Provisional list in progress)

Agnes Mattiuzzi
Alejandra Villar Borja
Alessandro Carli
Alfredo Biagini Andrea
Andrea Lai
Anna Angelo Bianchi Antonella

Antonio Conte Antonio De Rose
Barbara Calonaci
Carlo Natali
Cinzia Cinzia Chiarini
Claudio Caioli
Cristina Rovini
Daniele Daniele Barbagli
Elsa Totaro
Henry Romualdi Current

Enzo Errico Danila Tramacere
Eva Malacarne
Fabiola Barna
Fabrizio (M G Mannina)
Federico Contini
Francesca Fara
Francesca Cialdi
Gabriele Giri
Gennaro Starzzullo
Germana Salvini
Giuseppe Salerno
Grazia Ventura
Ignazio Fresu
Ileana Gentile
Ina Ripari
Jgor Scardanzan
Kahatapitiya Rohan
Lando Di Bari
Laura Balla
Laura Venturi
Lorenzo Brini
Luca Gennai
Luca Serasini
Lucia Paganini
Luciano Pancani
Lucio De Sordi
Luigi Zucconi
Mamadou Mbengue
Manuela Rosselli
Margherita Andreoli Fascione
Maria Grazia Mannina
Massimiliano Vacca
Mauro Petralli
Michela Baldi
Mimmo Corrado
Mina D'Elia
Monica Bianconi
Monica Dessì
Murat Onol
Nobile Kint
Paola Pellegrino
Rachele Sassano
Rinaldo Battola
Rodolfo Cubeta
Rosella Lenci
Romilda Romina
Samuel Bozzi
Sara Baldinotti
Siberiana Di Cocco
Silvia Schaefer Zani
Silvia Vari
Simone Biliotti
Simone Del Carmine
Simonetta Boscu
Stefania Rizzi
Stefano Cannone
Stefano Cecchi
Stefano Marchesini
Valentina Crasto
Vinicio Zapparoli

Nel programma...


La grinta performance di Alejandra Villar Borja

We are no one and who are you? Performance Enzo Correnti and Agnes Mattiuzzi

liberty in Sardinia (Sardegna in freedom) performance of Simon and Andrew Lai Boscu

Rodolfo Cubeta (pending confirmation)

Oswald flees to the lively ... aire with Cinzia tries to capture and Pow-how (Pauàu) that the Indian ... Performance Cynthia Mastropaolo

peaceful cultural invasion - Performance of actors, musicians, mimes, narrastorie in associations or freelance coordinated by Daniela Bertini
in a flood peaceful Rizieri the body and the streets of Pontedera


Perception of sound-art video Mina D'Elia e Andrea Calella

video-art di Guadalupe Rodriguez (_guroga) e Enzo Correnti

L'aria finalmente libera video-art di Enzo Correnti, Antonio De Rose e Murat Onol

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can Mango Wood Be Used Outdoors?

Farewell Sandra Finally a True Artist

Lo Staff di BlogArt porge le piu sentite condoglianze per la morte di Sandra.

Foto Le Press

MILANO - L'attrice Sandra Mondaini è morta, questa mattina poco prima delle 13, all'ospedale San Raffaele di Milano dove era ricoverata da circa 10 giorni. Aveva 79 anni: era nata l'1 settembre del 1931. Lo scorso aprile era morto anche il marito Raimondo Vianello and she had been sorely tried, as to be hospitalized in a nursing home.
CAREER - brilliant actress that pointed to the pure comedy and drama, Mondaini Sandra, died today aged 79, has starred in a succession of unforgettable sketch that have marked his career. The most famous are the ones with her husband Raimondo Vianello, among which the sit-com Mediaset in 1988 "Casa Vianello" - which launched the famous catchphrase of "that beard, how boring" in Latvian bed - even if his first sketch "marital" were those spoken with Conrad to "The Spinning Top" in 1964.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cb Président George



Osservatorio Culture Giovanile OCPG presenta:


‎23 settembre - Piazza Cavour Salerno- dalle ore 17 alle ore 23
CHIAMATA ALLE ARTI: esposizione aperta per tutti i giovani artisti campani 


Per partecipare inviare una e-mail a , 

con i propri dati tel and.

-DEMO DAY: urn for the collection of works (reproduced on CD / DVD) that young artists ... Campania want to give visibility to the regional WebGallery ( )

Lenovo Battery Part Numbers

BorgArte Video

The VIDEO of BorgArte , collective Art held in the medieval town of Albany (SA) on 05/09/2010. 70 artists present and the legendary Enzo Correnti - Man Charter.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Arabic


Dear friends, visa 's interest and the success of the works on display, the collective SOLIDARTE continues for about another two weeks!
So those who want to visit it again and for those who has not yet been able to do so, the appointment is at the American Bar CHEZ NOUS, Lane Jewish Salerno (Sa), all day starting at 21:30 on Wednesday ruled out closing day.
thanks to all the staff of Chez Nous.
Caesar Minucci

SolidArte - Art for Solidarity

Tuesday, September 21 20:00 - 03 October at 00:00

c / o American Bar Chez Nous
Lane Jewish, 50
Salerno, Italy
collective art exhibition SOLIDARITY '

On 21 September 2010 on the occasion of the festivities planned for St. Matthew, the patron saint of the city of Salerno, the' American Bar CHEZ NOUS organize an art event with a social background. The works of some artists
Salerno (thanks to the support of the cultural Salerno "LA PALETTE") will be the crown to the beautiful shots of Paola Gustavo, shots have been recommended ... lti in a publication titled "Latin America", an exciting photo essays, a succession of colors and faces Paola captured along the route of his travels.
This photo book was commissioned by Paola to support the work of the association Guatemaltese "Comité de mujeres LUNA Kakchiquel" that defends the rights of women in Guatemala and Mexico.
why the proceeds from book sales will be entirely donated to the aforementioned.
St. Matthew is an occasion for celebration is deeply felt by us salerntani, but I think it's also a time particolre to devote our thoughts to those less fortunate.





DURANTE L'EVENTO SARA' POSSIBILE ACQUISTARE IL LIBRO "AMERICA LATINA" AL COSTO DI 10 EURO (che verranno interamente devoluti al comitato Luna: ( )


338. 48 46 043

What Happens When A Puppy Is Wormed


Domenica 19 settembre ore 18:00 

presso il Palazzo Marciano di Roccapiemonte sei invitato 

al VERNISSAGE di LUMEN Art backlight

seeker free admission

LUMEN is The exhibition dedicated to the street scene, urban and pop Italian contemporary art.
Toll Free Number: 800031554
Where is Palazzo Marciano?
Palace Marciano is the Way Calvanese Roccapiemonte in the village of Casali.
From Salerno / Naples / Avellino: Highway A30 exit Castel San Giorgio,
follow direction Roccapiemonte / Palazzo Marciano-Lumen

Al Vernissage BlogArt also involved a friend of ... TRAPANIG
See the free show and discuss his works.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Watch Bible Black Online

Judge Marcella

Judge Marcella was born in 1972 at Eboli (SA) where he lives and works . His is a love story began several years ago. Marsico has grown between tele, pennelli e colori grazie a suo padre anch’egli pittore. Sin da piccola la sua compagna inseparabile è stata la matita, attraverso la quale riportava figure e sogni, del reale e dell’immaginario. Con gli anni cresceva sempre più il desiderio di dare colore ai disegni, così un giorno con l’entusiasmo di una “bambina” si è recata in un negozio di belle arti per acquistare colori, pennelli e tele, cominciando a dare vita ad un sogno. Le piace la pittura e testimoniare attraverso di essa sogni, scene, situazioni di vita reale, dove la figura predominante è quella femminile. Ha esposto in Sicilia, a Taormina, presso la Galleria d'Arte "Taormina Gallery", e ha partecipato a varie mostre collettive in Campania. Nel 2009 e nel 2010 partecipa alla collettiva Dolce Vita d'Artista On the Road I° e II° edizione, avendo un crescente riscontro di consensi. Il 2010 è un anno molto promettente, presenta una sua personale nella manifestazione Dolce Vita d' Artista, partecipa alla prima edizione di BorgArt ad Albanella (SA) e alla mostra di arte postale " Esserci senza Esserci " di Enzo Correnti.

Alcune delle sue opere:

Opera: Intimamente

Dimensioni: 70 x 100

Opera: Geisha

Dimensioni: 50 x 70

Opera: Vento di passione

Dimensioni: 60 x 90

Dillards Semi Formals

Titti Gaeta I

Ultima opera creata dalla geniale mente di Titti Gaeta.

Work Title: Electrostatics
Year: 2010

Aarons Rent Own Store

the Dolce Vita "Artists on the Road 2010 I am

This photo scattatami by Lello Sozio during collective Dolce Vita d'Artista II 2010 - Battipaglia (SA). Exhibition of art which aims to promote new artists and new forms of expression.

Pictured in the foreground Enzo Correnti - Paper Man, the protagonist of a Pit Stop at the international exhibition in Venice.

E 'in preparing the third edition even more rich content, forms of art, live music and much more to make your stay more pleasant and exciting. For info: contact Officina31 on Facebook.

Rose Garden Seating Map

Photo scattatami during collective art BorgArt - Albany (SA), organized by Officina31 to which I belong.

Song In Mercedes Commercial

Macro Macro

Macro Another photo from my personal collection:

Chi Straightner At Jcpenney


In the picture a Hoopoe, photographed in Maremma Tuscany, in the city of Grosseto .

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver R4 Cheat File

Photo made with technical Macro, my passion.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cleaning Dupioni Silk

Milk & Cookies

I had prepared well. I cleaned the house since morning. Corners of the bathroom that did not even know I had returned that there were wads of hair and dust. I rubbed the speck of lime on the plate of the shower, because it was possible that eventually there would be a shower. Of both. Together, I mean. Why yes I had to see that I was a boy, but clean, the stereotype of the man who does not mind all'igene. So clean bathrooms. I thought a lot 'and the difference soap / liquid soap. Certainly, the soap that gives the bathroom retro lavender and care of the old body. But it is beautiful to look at when you washed. Remains wet and then dries up and you see the froth. Counts, eh. You should put there new. But you understand that you have prepared everything, you're not relaxed. I decided the tactic of casual, so I had to take it forward in style, no? If I had applied the tactic of 'geek-friendly-that-smile-of-its-misadventures with the soap froth it was dry. Oh well. Eventually I bought the sandal soap to the dispenser and I had put in ceramic. Then how the hell I will have thought of buying a ceramic dispenser. I smell the sandal I've always liked it, it seems to me a reassuring smell. I was going to make you eat fish. Whether he is good, or because you must know how to cook. Knowing how to cook are a thousand points in the eyes of women. But not I wanted to do something highly sought after: if you apply the tactics of the cast, you do not have too much on the casual elegance of the perfect recipe. One good thing but popular, tasty and easy. Type mussels. Or the octopus salad. I decided on the mussels and I had taken a sparkling white wine as recommended by the price that the actual fame. I do not like the wine, I drink only the sparkling, almost. Champagne knows feet (you know) and then casually stride coll'immagine of where you stuck. Oh well. Rite of the canapés, salmon / shrimp / orange. Why are you a vegetarian, and I can not count on the pride of pork and its derivatives. I also thought about the glasses, I took the Amaro del Capo, which is the ultimate casual, I chose the music. At first I had persuaded the idea of \u200b\u200bbossanova, because I thought an attack and a spirited young situation. But then I thought, if I need to go easy on refined. Non-trivial. Casual and refined. One who does research without feeling the weight, but desperately needed. Dilated atmospheres. In the background. Giardini di Miro. Perfect. I changed the sheets and put the books I was reading in great evidence. But a little 'out of step, always in the history of casual. Pure library, crammed and cluttered. Great. I love how the books back colored décor of your home. 'S why the books are a wonderful thing. Because as always is important. The colored candles scattered smell that was want to eat it, you were beautiful and had found the parts that I love watching you. I had put my shirt. When I woke up my face on the bed with the pillow moved. Did I looked and felt like the men of advertising cookies for breakfast: mature, attractive, smiling and with the teeth that have both well perfetta.E a good job (they are always in a suit and tie and is parked safely outside the 'Grey Audi A4). Then I went into the kitchen and I prepared the milk and cookies with aniseed. And did you end up with messy clump, bare feet and sleepy face and smiling. And I could not help but fall in love and realize than I was stupid.