Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Long Until The Gastro Bug Is Gone?

Evangelical - Voltri, via the merger

E'stata una seduta di Municipio molto partecipata quella che, ieri sera, ha visto l'Assessore alla Salute della Regione Liguria Claudio Montaldo presentare le "fasi finali" dell'operazione che vedrà l'Ospedale Evangelico trasferirsi a Voltri, per prendere in gestione il presidio San Carlo . Il 18 aprile prossimo è la data in cui comincerà il trasferimento di due strutture, con l'obiettivo di portare a termine l'operazione entro il mese di giugno . Le caratteristiche del "nuovo" ospedale saranno quelle, consolidate, già presenti oggi all'Ospedale Evangelico di Castelletto, che va verso la chiusura, con l'obiettivo di rilanciare difficulties in some places. In particular, the Presidio San Carlo will emergency room, intensive care, internal medicine, intermediate care, orthopedics, surgery, urology and obstetrics / ginacologia. The latter is the area where, last summer, he left the instance for the maintenance of Voltri hospital where, because of the fall in the number of births below the legal limit, it is assumed to close the delivery room. The goal should then see the rising number of births, than the minimum number of five year, tending to thousands : a challenge for the infant hospital. As to the laboratory for analysis , the race is going to concentrate S. Martino in laboratories throughout the Metropolitian area into one that up until then, the laboratory will Voltri, however, intended to overcome.

Present at the meeting of the Board also Evangelical Hospital director, Alessio Parodi , which focused mainly on legal entity, which is run by a church organization four Reformed Churches, the Waldensian Lutheran, the Anglican and Reformed Switzerland. Hospital Voltri not change its name, taking the name of OEI - Presidio of San Carlo Voltri , a confirmation of the deeply secular and professional institution in the management of the garrison.

The project is part of the process of simplification of the hospital network carried out by the region in recent years, and exceeded small hospitals to make way for the principals of excellence, the de-hospitalization and outpatient diagnostic base territory: in this regard, Councillor Montaldo, together with the Director-General of ASL 3 Renata Canini , reiterated that the projects relating to plates outpatient areas ex Coproma (Voltri) and Martinez (Pegli) and will go on finalized. Tile essential and definitive of this design is, of course, the 'hospital of western , which should arise in the Villa Bombrini determinando la chiusura degli ospedali di Sestri, Sampierdarena e Pontedecimo: è necessario, tuttavia, che il Governo torni ad investire sull'edilizia ospedaliera, perchè il drastico taglio operato nel 2010 iberna, per il momento, l'ambizioso progetto.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Some clarifications on Via Carlo Cassanelli

Pubblico volentieri questo intervento di Alessio Sandrelli sulla riqualificazione di via Cassanello , interessante perchè pone l'accento su due aspetti problematici che non vanno trascurati.

"Sembra fatta per il ponte carrabile sul torrente Varenna, come riferito dall’Assessore Mario Margins and the President of the West Hall VII, Mauro attractiveness, public in the assembly held at the premises of Via Cassanelli DANCE POINT, Monday, January 31 2011.L 'Assessor reported that due to falls in the auction of the new bridge will be possible to retrain Via Cassanelli Square Zagora until the bridge Lovo.

Come to order, at Varenna the construction of the bridge, two lanes will begin by March, and will complement the existing pedestrian bridge. The shipyard will be located on the edge of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cialla Street parking adjacent to the Petanque pegliesi. Estimated Cost € 1,500,000 approx.

Sia l’assessore Margini, sia il presidente Avvenente sono stati chiari sulla natura dell’opera che verrà realizzata , ma non hanno potuto essere esaustivi circa la futura viabilità della zona. Molto dipenderà dall’apertura verso l’Aurelia della Via Cassanello.

Sulla riqualificazione della via, mi sembra importante sottolineare la messa in sicurezza dei pedoni con la creazione di marciapiede (era ora) e delle nuove sponde.

Non mi soffermerei, in questa fase sulla disposizione dei parcheggi, a pettine oppure a lisca fish or whatever. The proposal for a census of residents' cars could be an effective first step to make the restricted traffic zone.

Two aspects, in my opinion, however, more attention should have:

  1. The channeling of stormwater from the Field Signorini / Highways / Posting of soil properties Marchesi Reggio up the creek and Varenna on the care of trees in the area, with particular emphasis on large and dangerous tree at the beginning of Via Antica Romana.

  2. The livability of the road, now compromised by too many industrial activities that are not restricted from Piazza Zagora down. And I am reminded of the north side of Via Cassanelli left in full decay.

I invite you to consult a copy of the redevelopment project on the website of the Municipality of Genoa or view it directly at the Town Hall.

I thank you very much, Dr. Gozzi Councillor Paul and Councillor Falvo Luca for the willingness over the years on the issue of Via Cassanelli.

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... To us ... we like

the idea that for my birthday I receive a gift ... A TREE.

I want a tree to be planted in the garden, replacing the lemon that has destroyed this winter with its cold and that this birthday marks "important."

I would like a Clementine ... company to another lemon and orange, it does not seem a bad idea.


  • a house for the birds in the garden to put a pair of inseparable
  • a surprise party ... (But this time they are 29 years and that the issue never comes!)

elis @