Monday, July 6, 2009

Partridge Barnevelder


They are generally of small stature and dark skin.
do not like water, many of them stink because they keep the same clothes for several weeks.
shacks are built of wood and aluminum in the suburbs of the cities where they live close to each other.
When they approached the center dilapidated apartments rent at a great price.
is usually present in two and looking for a room with kitchen. After a few days turn into four, six, ten.
Among them speak languages \u200b\u200bincomprehensible to us, probably ancient dialects.

Many children are used for begging in front of churches, but often women dressed in black and elderly men almost always invoke pity, toni lamentosi e petulanti.
Fanno molti figli che faticano a mantenere e sono assai uniti tra di loro.
Dicono che siano dediti al furto e, se ostacolati, violenti.
Le nostre donne li evitano non solo perché poco attraenti e selvatici ma perché si è diffusa la voce di alcuni stupri consumati dopo agguati in strade periferiche quando le donne tornano dal lavoro.

I nostri governanti hanno aperto troppo gli ingressi alle frontiere ma, soprattutto, non hanno saputo selezionare tra coloro che entrano nel nostro paese per lavorare e quelli che pensano di vivere di espedienti o, addirittura, attività criminali...

...Si privilegino i veneti e i lombardi, tardi di comprendonio e ignoranti ma disposti più other work.
They adapt to homes that Americans refuse as long as they remain with the families and do not question their wages.
The others, those that have reported much of this first report, from the south of Italy.

I invite you to check the documents of origin and to repatriate more.
Our security must be the first concern.

A report of the Inspectorate for Immigration in the U.S. Congress on Italian immigrants in the United States, October 1912.


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