Sunday, November 28, 2010

Taking Shower With Husbands

women's bodies and the media

Sono stato molto contento di poter partecipare, sabato pomeriggio, al convegno organizzato da Donne Insieme e dal centro Studi Storici del Ponente genovese sul tema dell'uso, e abuso, del corpo delle donne nei media, ed in particolare nella televisione. E'stato un pomeriggio di profonda riflessione e intenso dibattito, reso speciale dall'intervento di Silvia Neonato , giĆ  responsabile culturale del Secolo XIX, che ha tracciato un profilo interesting degeneration and dell'imbarbarimento where television in recent years, we have become accustomed on the presence of women. Since the publication up to the most popular programs, television shows and abusing a distorted view of the female , trampling the dignity and worth of women: the whole, with disturbing reflections on all other spheres of society , starting policy.

The conference is part of a series of meetings entitled " I did not think was going to end up like aa ", dedicated to the abrupt termination of the achievements and the emancipation of women carried out during the 900. The next event, do not miss, there will be the ' December 11 at the Museum of Naval Pegli , and analyze the areas of education and work, always from the perspective of the female, with particular regard to, unfortunately many, critical.


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