The inhabitants of the kingdom of Nehir had surrounded the palace of their king engaging in rebellion against him.
And he descended the steps of the palace wearing the crown in one hand and a scepter in the other. The majesty 'of its appearance silence' the crowd, he stopped 'before them and said: "My friends, because you are not my people, here I yield my crown and my scepter to you. I want to be one of you . I am solo un uomo, ma da uomo io voglio lavorare insieme a voi, di modo che la nostra sorte sia migliore. Non ce ne é bisogno di un re. perciö andiamo tra i campi e le vigne e lavoriamo mano nella mano. Ditemi solo in quale campo o quale vigna volete che vada. Ognuno di voi ora é il re".
E la gente si meravigliö, e la quiete fu sopra loro, perché il re che consideravano la causa del loro malcontento, ora cedeva corona e scettro, e diveniva uno di loro.
Allora ognuno di loro andö per la propria strada, e il re s'incamminö con uno degli uomini verso un campo.
Ma nel regno di Nehir le cose non andavano tanto meglio senza un re, e la foschia del malcontento tronö ancora sopra il paese.
İl popolo vociava in the market place saying he wanted to be governed, who wanted to have a king who would rule them.
And the elders and youth as one voice said: "We want to be our king."
And the king sought and found him to toil in a field, and brought him back to the throne and made a crown and a scepter. And they said: "Now reigns over us, with power and justice."
And he said, "I certainly want to rule over you with power, and may the gods of heaven and earth to help me to rule with justice."
And here were men and women in his presence and spoke to him about a baron who wronged them, el, cons, derava nothing more than servants. Immediately call the King Baron to him and said: "The life of a man weighs as much as the life of another in the balance of God because you do not know weigh the lives of those who work in your fields and your vineyards, you are banned, and let this kingdom forever. "
the next day you racarono other subjects by the king and told him of the cruelty of a countess who lived in the 'mountains, and how he had reduced them to poverty. The countess was immediately summoned to court, and the king also decreed exile for her, saying: "those who cultivate our fields and our vineyards care and most noble of us who eat bread made from them and drink the wine of their press. And because you do not know this, you leave this earth and you'll be away from this kingdom.
Then came men and women saying that the bishop made them carry and break stones for the cathedral without any compensation, although they knew that the coffers of the bishop were full of gold and silver while they had nothing but hunger.
E The king sent for the bishop, and when the bishop added, the king spoke and said: "You carry the cross on his chest that give life should mean life. But instead you've got life without giving anything. So let this kingdom never to return again. "
And so every day for a full moon, men and women went to the king to speak to the loads that bear on them. And so every day for a full moon, every oppressor was exiled from regno.
E il popolo di Nehir si stupiva, e c era allegria nel loro cuore.
E un giorno gli anziani e i giovani vennero e circondarono la torre del re e lo chiamarono. E lui venne giü tenendo lo scettro con una mano e la corona nell altra.
Lui disse: "Ora cosa volete da me? Ecco vi rendo cio che desideravate tenessi".
Ma gli gridarono: " No, No, tu sei il nostro legittimo re. Hai liberato la regione dalle vipere e hai ridotto i lupi all'impotenza, e siam venuti per cantarti il nostro ringraziamento. La corona é tua nella maesta' e lo scettro nella tua gloria".
Allora il re disse:
"No, Non io, Non io. Voi stessi siete i re. Quando mi rştenevate debole e incapace di governare, voi stessi were weak and incapable. And if now the conditions have changed and because the kingdom is you want. I am not a thought in the minds of you all, and exists only in your actions. There is a person who reigns over all there are only subjects that govern themselves. "
And the king back in the tower with the crown and scepter.
And the elders and young people went to various streets and were happy.
And everybody thought of himself as a king with a crown in one hand and a scepter in the other.
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