People say I have an imaginative mind - probably the kindest ever invented to say: "You crazy!".
Perhaps they are right. When I allow myself to not panic and lose their train of thought, when the gaze of the other scares me even though I pretend to nothing, when I introduce myself to a stranger forcing myself to ignore what I myself may have nothing, when the past makes me badly and is difficult to accept that the fuuro will not be better, when I can not accept who I am or where I am, I am all right now, I say nonsense, I know. But the sense is not far from exactly what the truth lies.
The deception distorts the truth. The compound
nonsense and deceit from truth to the point that it becomes impossible to distinguish them.
may seem complicated, but it's actually very simple. So simple that it can be represented by a line.
We assume that truth is a horizontal line.

And that what we call deceive both a vertical line.

As for the nonsense as it will appear here:

With its trajectory without beginning or end, the circle does not recognize the horizontal or the vertical axis.
You can be in a circle from anywhere, provided you do not confuse that with a beginning point.
no point of departure, no interruptions, no end.
No matter what time I take the first step, there will always be a time before, always one step before each step - so there will never be a real start.
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