Quado what you think if I say "elections"?
perhaps what I think: expectations distressing watching television, the choice between bad and worse, thoughts turned to those damned journalists, knowing that, again, that idiot with no conscience represent us before the whole world, that we still bear his dictatorship without a hint of shame, cursing at my companions Lega and their newspapers, ....

this and more is what I think when I remember the last election (the ones I remember best because they are very young). all pretty much feeling .... perfect for a sore liver.
and every time I think that the next election may vote for me the shivers run down my spine: the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to give my "contribution" to a company that I find so marked and infamous, have to give my "ok" to this or that other in order to fight tooth and nail all that vomit speech full of "freedom." I do not know ... I was already bad when even I could do it, I already did a million questions ... I guess in a few years in that condition I'd be right ...
think about all this even when you hear the word "election"?
in Turkey today are over the municipal and provincial elections (the thing here is regulated in a slightly different but you know ...) and I smelled a wonderful air.
that the Turks will be the eternal "party animals", but the election was really a fountain dı colorı, musıche; nıente a che fare, ınsomma, con la mıa ıdea da ıtalıana.
gıa dal mese prıma dell ınızıo delle votazıonı per le cıtta sı vedevano gırare ı camıoncını deı partıtı con la musıca a palla (stıle tamarrı ıtalıanı) e per strada la gente che ballava.

con l avvıcınarsı ı ballı aumentavano e la musıca anche e ı meetıng dove trovavı chılometrı dı statalı colme dı automobılı con stereı a massımo volume, sempre ovvıamente con musıche tradızıonalı, e gente dancing on the roofs of cars covered only by the flags of the party.
and today, I got the results, I told you long ago that Smyrna, my city, and the more leftist and less happy with the Muslim president in office.

well, has proven once again, here he won the CHP garden Additional founded by Atatürk nice man who love the Turks as a god

I was at city hall with my father and sister and the thing I was really overwhelmed.
the need to vote in Italy is a curse, as a punishment for some sin ugly, here is a hope, a certainty that things will be far better. but we have learned that there be no end to the worst.
people here with drums and clarinets in the middle of the road, completely ignoring the cars that trumpeted to pass, fireworks for half an hour, dance and song around the country and marked with the megaphones, contagious enthusiasm.

Suggested trips to Turkey just for elections.
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