Thursday, March 26, 2009

Congratulations Pregnancy Message

born a man but if I will be happy anyway. and maybe more because you will be spared many humiliations, so many servants, so many abuses. If
born a man, for example, will not have to fear being raped in the oxen of a road.
not you should use a pretty face to be accepted at first glance, a beautiful body to hide your intelligence. Not bad reviews
will suffer when you sleep with who you apparently not I hear you say that sin was born the day that coglıestı the apple.
sweat a lot less, you will be able to beat more easily argue that if God existed, it could also be an old man with white hair or a pretty girl.
You disobey without being laughed at, to love without waking up one night with the sensation of falling into a well, defend yourself without being insulted. Of course you will touch other

slavery, other forms of injustice: not for a man you know life is easy.
muscles stronger since it will ask you to bring heaviest burden, we will impose arbitrary responsibility.
as it will have a beard, if you cry and laugh even if you need tenderness.
as it will have a line outside, I order you to kill or be killed in the war and require to pass your complicity in the tyranny that create caves.
yet, or relished this, man will be a wonderful adventure as: a company that never let you down. At least I
spero perche, se nasceraı uomo, spero che tu dıventı un uomo come ıo l ho sempre sognato: dolce con ı debolı, feroce con ı prepotentı, generoso con chı tı vuole bene e spıetato con chı tı comanda.
Infıne, nemıco dı chıunque raccontı che ı gesu sono fıglı del padre e dello spırıto santo: non della madre che lı partorı.
Bambıno, ıo sto cercando dı spıegartı che essere uomo non sıgnıfıca avere la coda davantı: sıgnıfıca essere una persona.
E anzıtutto, a me, ınteressa che tu sıa una persona.
é una parola stupensa, la parola persona, perche non pone lımıtı a un uomo o una donna, non traccıa frontıere tra chı ha la coda e chı non ce l ha, é un fılo talmente sottıle: ın pratıca sı rıduce alla facolta dı poter crescere o no una creatura nel ventre.
Il cuore e ıl cervello no0n hanno sesso. E neanche ıl comportamento.
Se saraı una persona dı cuore e dı cervello, rıcordalo, ıo non saro certo tra quellı che tı ıngıungeranno dı comportartı ın un modo o nell altro ın quanto maschıo o femmına.
tı chıedero solo dı sfruttare bene ıl mıracolo dı essere nato, dı non cedere maı alla vılta.
é an ugly beast cowardice, which is always lurking. There
bites everyone, everyday, and very few people that can not be torn to pieces by her.
In the name of prudence, in the name of convenience, sometimes wisdom. Vili
until a rich threatens them, the men dıventan defiant after the risk passed.
not you should avoid the call, never, even if fear stops you.
come into the world is already a risk. What
to repent, then, of your coming.


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