The International Prize for painting and design "Waste in Search of an Author - Second Life" conceived and organized by Arts in Salerno for his return to Rimini Second Edition, at the Palazzo del Podesta, at the Environment Festival "from October 29 to November 7, 2010.
During the colossal collective will be on display some 150 paintings and designs by artists from all over Italy and abroad.
The competition, which aims to make art a means of promoting social messages, this year has looked to the "issue environment / waste" with a positive approach, going beyond the perspective of the complaint, the subject of the first edition.
"The theme aims to encourage reflection and exploration of the problem of waste as a metaphor, creating a nexus between the world of art and that of contemporary society, ennobling the waste and contribute to a constant and widespread critical consciousness on the need to reduce waste, "reminiscent of the award organizers and curators of the exhibition, Olga and Joseph Gorga Marciano, who for years have dedicated themselves to painting and to contamination of the same materials of all kinds. A long artistic staff led them to the establishment of the Arts in Salerno, convinced that art must give voice to social issues.
The message - from the start - striking aspect of the project is the strong educational background to the execution of works that focuses on the problem of waste disposal, on waste collection, recycling and reuse of materials for people's health, both in terms of content, because of form and materials.
Award "Waste in Search of an Author" is held in partnership with: Municipality of Rimini, Legambiente, Province and Municipality of Salerno, Ente Provinciale per il Turismo of Salerno, Ecolight Consortium (one of the largest systems that operate in the Collective Italy in the management of WEEE) Arcadja, Fumi Gallery in London, Pastificio Antonio Amato, Nappi South (one of the most important platforms in the south to the sorting of packaging materials).
The Second Edition has seen winners for the painting section, Luisa Poletto; per la Sezione Design, Vincenzo Liguori; per la Sezione Raee (Ecolight), Giancarlo Aliberti; Premio della Critica: Maria Grazia Lunghi.
Per Ambiente Festival i due artisti-promotori, Giuseppe Gorga e Olga Marciano, porteranno a termine il Progetto Tartamakers, promosso dal Comune di Rimini: sul sagrato del Palazzo del Podestà nei giorni di svolgimento del Festival realizzeranno un’opera che rappresenterà una tartaruga di grosse dimensioni (m. 3 x 2) utilizzando i materiali di scarto conferiti (secondo delle indicazioni specifiche) da tutti i visitatori. L’opera sarà donata da Salerno in Arte alla Fondazione Cetacei di Riccione e rappresenterà un simbolo, il modo giusto per comunicare un messaggio importante alle future generazioni.
Il tema scelto per la prossima Terza Edizione del Premio (2010-2011) è “Acquapura” e verrà presentato a Rimini.
Gli Artisti in esposizione:
Per la pittura: Alìberri, Giancarlo Barengo, Maria Battista, Serena Bigliani, Olga Brucculeri, Alessandro Calabrese, Secondo Capra, Calogero Carbone, Francesco Carbone, Enrico Carniani, Fabio Massimo Caruso, Rita Giovanna Cavicchi, Giovanna Cigala, Patrizia Maria Cocchiarella, Gianpaolo Cono, Luisa Corcione, Paola Corgnale, Giovanni Coscarelli, Giuliano Crepaldi, Albina De Alessi, Adalgisa De Angelis, Domenica De Luca, Valentina De Luca, Gianni De Paoli, Patrizia De Simone, Luca Faith, Elena Di Felice, Carmine Falco, Mario French, Marie Antoinette Franciulli, Giancarlo Frezza, Catherine Galderisi, Maria Gambacorta, Margaret Gastaldo, Vince Genna, Nana Hayne, Daniela Iannace, Sabrina Ingenito, Donald Landi, Fabrizio Lavagna, Sébastien Lemporte, Vincenzo Liguori, Cristina Lisanti, Adele, The Feud, Rodolfo Lausanne, Mary Grace Long, Mark Wolf, Rosa Maisto, Joseph Manneschi, Rita Manzi, Pasquale Mastrangelo, Pasquale Mastrogiacomo, Giuseppe Matera, Domenico Mauro, Ignazio Eleonora Mazza Fabio Mazzola, Lorraine Nannini Niviano Sandra, Mirella Orlandini, Mattia Francesco Pappalardo, Alfredo Passaro, Gavino Pedestrians, Marco Perciballi, Luisa Poletto, Presotto Nadia, Paola Rollo, Pino Roscigno, Fabio Sabatini, Severine Scalese Urciuoli, Daniela Sciuto, Alfonso Sica, Giuseppe Socci, Joseph Sparla, Deborah Spera, Lucia Torelli, Lorena Totolo, Chris Green Rosario Viscido, Cristiana Vitale, Sandra Janssen Wieschmann
For the design Giancarlo Aliberti, Carmen Bass, Federica Battistini, Martina Becattini, Antonella Berlen, Frank Biasco, Enrico Bonetti, Pier Callegarini, Anna Costantini, Gianfrancesco De Falco, Gianni De Paoli, Matteo Di Laurora Ciommo, Rosaria Di Rienzo, Marco Dottarelli, Luke the Evangelist , Enrico Falcioni, Lufer, Maria Gambacorta, Lorena Giuffrida, Patrizia Grieco, Vincenzo Liguori, Sabrina Locatelli, Renato Luparia, Giovanna Mariani, Dominic Masotti, Bibbiana Tanina Apples, Sauro Montague, Fiorella Walnuts, Pinella Palmisano, Rita Perotti, Giuseppe Piscopo, Catherine Puggioni, Annalisa Ramondino, Alessandra Renzulli, Danila Salvadore, Sarzi Irene Amado Franco Scalese Urciuoli, Toni Scarduzio, Luigi Scavella, Antonella Staltari, Ulderico Tornincasa, Jarno Trentin Chiara Martina, Francesco Varese, Alessia Ziccardi, Maria Teresa Zonza
For information, please visit www.salernoinarte.it
Info 3356676408-3388928758

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