Gianluca D'Amato nasce ad Eboli nel giugno del 1980, qui vive, studia e coltiva la passione artistica fin dalla gioventù. Ancora oggi l'arte è cio che ha priorità nella maggior parte del proprio tempo. Inizia to paint various subjects, still lifes, figures, landscapes, then over time focuses on a favorite subject, what really moved him every time, by representing it using any technique, the portrait. Representing the face and to give life to look with a simple game of colors and shades.
Turn a little Italy for exhibitions of art, discovering a variety of techniques, styles, emotions and making them its crescendo with them. But one in particular fascinates everyone, surrealism, a style in which the triggers strong emotions, a sense of what we see in a painting, but that does not really exist, he defines it: the invisible hand of a human being.
As always looking for new excitement in 2004 he attended a course from tattoo artist, which is a different art from painting, but that still enormous satisfaction, create shapes on the skin and remain there to know that life is short, the indelible mark of an artist '. Even in the latter then I specialized in portraits, creating real expressions. In addition, the artist deals with SprayArt, Body Paint and Airbrush.
artistic experience of Relief:
Extemporaneous - Postiglione 2004
Association "The Stand" - Torino 2008
ARTEXPO Promotion - Cesenatico 2009
DOLCE VITA ARTIST ON THE ROAD II edition - Battipaglia (SA) 2010
BORGARTE - Albany (SA) 2010

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