Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Make My Legs Shiny

... and since I love

Ve la posto!!

Il prossimo passo sarà stamparla e farne una tela per la camera da letto. ohhh yesssssss!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

South Park Yaoi Doujinshis


COMPRIAMO L'IPAD AD OGNI MEDICO E POI CHIUDIAMO INTERI REPARTI perchè non There are no funds to pay the staff ...



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Green Mucus Before Menstruation


As you can see (although the photo does not do justice to the wonder) we have changed a little picture frame obtained as a prize in a photo frame keyring!

It 's really nice room and tells our story, which began the day at the wedding! BELLOOOO!

elis @

Susquehanna Harvest Marinara Sauce

... dream!

again look at the photos and I can not seem to have experienced that day. I remember everything and everyone, but as if I saw the events of that day as a spectator and not a "protagonist". Strange.

And then, still dream of looking at these pictures, made by my sorelletta, good Marty!

elis @

Monday, December 20, 2010

Best Minidv Prosumer Camcorders

An intense period of culture and solidarity

It is a period of intense and pleasant than that, Head of Culture, I am living: they are the myriad cultural and solidarity that animate these days, il Ponente genovese. Le associazioni, i comitati e le scuole dimostrano di avere una grande voglia di fare e di impegnarsi, e ho l'opportunità di conoscere tante situazioni ed iniziative davvero meritevoli. Purtroppo, l'accavallarsi di tante occasioni di incontro non mi permette di essere presente a tutte: cerco di portare la vicinanza mia e dell'Istituzione municipale dove posso, oltre ovviamente ad un grosso ringraziamento per la passione e l'impegno che tanti cittadini investono nelle loro iniziative.

Mi sarebbe impossibile anche elencarle tutte, e ne dimenticherei certamente qualcuna: mi permetto soltanto di sottolinearne due in particolare che, in questo ultimo week end, mi hanno lasciato un sapore particolare di solidarietà ed impegno. In primis, desidero ringraziare il mio amico Enrico Canepa, la Pro Loco Voltri 2000, la Croce Rossa di Voltri e Ponente che Balla per avermi dato l'opportunità di partecipare, sabato scorso, al pranzo dedicato alla terza età, presso l'Oratorio di via Guala . Un momento di grande allegria e gioia, che ha visto coinvolti molti anziani davvero entusiasti e riconoscenti per aver potuto trascorrere qualche ora in compagnia.

Ieri alle 18, invece, ho avuto l'occasione di i naugurare due nuove autoambulanze presso la Croce Verde pegliese. Assieme ad uno straripante don Andrea Gallo was a real moment of celebration and I could not help but thank the Green Cross volunteers for everything they do, for decades, for our delegation. Another small step on the path of solidarity that has always carry on with humility and simplicity

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can I Inject Suboxone

Villa de Mari Mari de Villa

It was concluded from a few minutes a time of extreme importance for PDAs and for the western Genoa: at the chapel of Villa de Mari has certified the transfer of ownership of the property by Art at Genoa City . The transaction is the result of a real estate exchange between two entities and allows the City to acquire a prestigious area of \u200b\u200benormous social and cultural importance. Elapsed since a few years since volunteers broke the locks of the gates and took up the Villa Park by returning to its ancient splendor. The municipality, aware of this passion and this commitment, he worked to acquire the entire property, and hence part the great challenge of using and maintaining this important asset.

satisfied the authorities present: President of the Region Claudio Burlando, the Genoa Mayor Marta Vincenzi , the entire municipal council , besides of course the President of Arts and Gianfranco narrow officer requests, the Director of the Secretariat General of the Municipality Mariangela Dance. Besides them, dozens of people present to witness a historic moment for their delegation: is only the beginning of a process that will restore dignity cultural and social to an entire neighborhood.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Myths About Nose Itching

City Council returned to the citizenship

Wednesday, 15 is the big day: the presence of the President of the Region Claudio Burlando, Municipal Councillors, and Margins Bruno Mario Pastorino, the vertices of Art and the City Hall, it will mark the ' Mari de Villa definitive acquisition by the City of Genoa. It is the result of a long journey, which saw the City engaged in a major real estate exchange to acquire the whole of handhelds, after the same had been recovered and restored to citizenship by volunteers.

The biggest mistake would be to consider this moment the end of a path: is really just the beginning, because it opens now the great challenge of the management and exploitation of the Villa. The potential is enormous, as evidenced by the success of initiatives carried out in the chapel in recent times and the passionate commitment of volunteers. PDA and a great day, because it sees a return to his people living space for communal, Culture and aggregation.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What's That Job Called?

Region: odg approved a construction site on the Gronda

With 21 votes in favor and one abstention Raffaella Della Bianca (PDL) was approved during the Regional Council of 7 December, an order of the day (the first signatory Valter Ferrando of Pd, but signed by directors of almost all groups) which commits the council " to include in the project west of Highway Gronda a set of measures of adjustment and improvement of local roads in order to contain and minimize inconvenience to the whole settlement voltrese. In particular, it urges the inclusion of a tunnel road urban, which would link the adjoining valleys and Cerusa Leiro, be implemented ahead of the villa of the Duchess of Galliera but necessarily engaged on the main street of Buffa and dovetailed with the local road network. "

The document points out that every day of Voltri suffer a serious road congestion and that the stretch is concerned, in accordance with the Company's concession, the construction site of the gutter will solely through the existing highway which, today, has structural deficiencies and dangerous situations. In any case, the construction of foundations, shoulders and some of the bridges and tunnel entrances provided for in the valleys of Leiro and Cerusa will inevitably through the ordinary roads , weighting a situation of mobility close to paralysis.

The movement of heavy vehicles serving the construction gravitate to the coastal road network is the only crossing of the entire settlement of Voltri and today is certainly crisis point more pronounced the whole road network Genoa. a long time in the General Plan / Plan urban city of Genoa is planned the construction of ' Aurelia A. through bypass of the town of Voltri.

The full text of the intervention:

In relation to the plans of the eaves of the highway west of Genoa, became aware of the information provided by the concessionaire on the construction site of this huge work and taking account of serious road congestion that characterizes the daily urban settlement of Voltri occur deep concerns about the possibility that the entire infrastructure can be only through the yards existing roads, especially as the stessa presenta diversi punti strutturalmente insufficienti e registra situazioni di acclarata pericolosità. Di conseguenza, preso atto che in ogni caso la realizzazione delle fondazioni, delle spalle e diparte dei ponti, nonché degli imbocchi delle gallerie previsti nelle valli del Leiro e del Cerusa, avverrà inevitabilmente attraverso la viabilità ordinaria, andando a gravare su una situazione di mobilità prossima alla paralisi, si ritiene indispensabile inserire nel progetto della gronda un insieme di interventi di adeguamento e miglioria della rete viaria locale, in modo da contenere e ridurre al minimo i disagi per l’intero insediamento voltrese. In particolare, si sollecita l’inserimento highway project in the gutter urban road tunnel which would connect the adjoining valleys Leiro and surgeon, located upstream of the Villa Duchess of Galliera but necessarily engaged on the main street of Buffa and dovetailed with the local road network. Only in this way will be at least possible to prevent the movement of heavy vehicles serving the construction gravity on the coastal road which is the only crossing of the entire road network and settlement of Voltri which is almost certainly the point of crisis more pronounced 'Genovese entire road network. On the other hand, just by entering the urban road tunnel between the valleys del Leiro e del Cerusa all’interno del progetto della gronda, sarà possibile dare avvio alla concreta realizzazione dell’Aurelia Bis diaggiramento dell’abitato di Voltri, ormai da lungo tempo prevista dal PRG/PUC di Genova e di cui tale galleria costituisce il primo e prioritario lotto di un intervento.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Wash Army Sleeping Bag

Teatro Cargo: renewing the contract

Teatro Cargo rappresenta una delle eccellenze culturali del nostro territorio: sono dunque molto contento che, oggi, Comune e Cargo abbiano stipulato il rinnovo della convenzione che permetterà alla compagnia di valorizzare ancora, nei prossimi anni, il Teatro del Ponente. Ciò non toglie che Theatre will still be available to the Town Hall, and then of associations and cultural activities that take advantage: however, have a qualified person and professional as manager is a privileged and un'arricchimento guarantee for the entire territory. Teatro Cargo has been able in recent years, establish itself as a reference point, more and more appreciated in Western culture for the Genoese, and it was important to be able to give continuity to one of the most important of our lives and territory.

's commitment to open, now, is to find the right formula to enhance the other jewel of Voltri: the eighteenth-century theater Villa Duchess of Galliera. In the coming days I will have a series of meetings with municipal leaders, who are already working on a project management can make the most of the theater.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Comparison Of Bra Sizes

Christmas in the West

In the climate of "austerity" generalized that has prevailed in every field, we do not want to give support to the initiatives of beautification of our neighborhoods at Christmas. Thanks to the intervention of associations, merchants and private citizens, we can ensure a good result without burdening the budget overspending and, above all, without taking far more resources to essential services.

The Lions Club will provide the Municipality of Genoa nine Christmas trees, which were divided between the three delegations Voltri, Pra, Pegli. After collecting the availability of associations and dealers in the organization and layout, we intended to Voltri two trees (one in Piazza Lerda, the other from the terminal 1), two in PRA (via Fusinato), a district of Ca'Nova, one in three in Pegli Piazza Lido (Via Ricasoli, Via Lungomare and Carlisle). Soon we will identify where to plant the trees after Christmas. As for

illuminations, the council will take charge of finance two points of light per delegazione: anche qui, in accordo con associazioni e commercianti, abbiamo concentrato gli sforzi dove i soggetti privati hanno garantito un'illuminazione a beneficio di intere vie. A Pegli il Centro Integrato di Via, con un grosso sforzo e grande impegno, riesce sempre a coprire, interamente, quasi tutte le vie: anche quest'anno il risultato sarà grandioso, grazie ad un coordinamento davvero encomiabile e ad un'organizzazione perfetta. Proprio questa mattina sono state installate le luminarie in Piazza Ponchielli , mentre le altre strade sono già riempite e si attende solo l'accensione. Considerato ciò, come Municipio abbiamo deciso di concentrare gli sforzi sul Lungomare per garantire anche quest'anno, in collaboration with the Pro Loco of Pegli the switching on of lights arranged on the palms of the walk.

Many, moreover, initiatives organized by the associations on the territory: borchure we picked the "Christmas in the West," as rich every year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Casting Evangelical - San Carlo: it goes on

The President of the Region Liguria Claudio Burlando Alderman of Health Claudio Montaldo met Monday at the headquarters of the Liguria Region Evangelical Hospital Board to discuss on the operation Gospel / Voltri. parts, clear the way done so far, have confirmed that it will continue as planned in the protocol of intent signed in August 2010. During the meeting it was noted that the technical comparison between the Region of Liguria, ASL 3 and Evangelical is ending. At this point you will get the comparison union, in that regard it was stressed that employee concerned there will be no bias whatsoever and that they maintain their current economic conditions and contractual work. The parties have committed to a successful conclusion of the process started.

Yesterday, however, Montaldo and group leaders met with the committee concerned for transfer: the commissioner has confirmed that the operation will be done, though, compared to the initial programs tarry a few months. It is believed that the month of March will be the final deadline for the conclusion of the process.