City Council returned to the citizenship
Wednesday, 15 is the big day: the presence of the President of the Region Claudio Burlando, Municipal Councillors, and Margins Bruno Mario Pastorino, the vertices of Art and the City Hall, it will mark the
' Mari de Villa definitive acquisition by the City of Genoa. It is the result of a long journey, which saw the City engaged in a major real estate
exchange to acquire the whole of handhelds, after the same had been recovered and restored to citizenship by volunteers.
The biggest mistake would be to consider this moment the end of a path:
is really just the beginning, because it opens now the great challenge of the management and exploitation of the Villa. The potential is enormous, as evidenced by the success of initiatives carried out in the chapel in recent times and the passionate commitment of volunteers. PDA and a great day, because it sees a return to his people
living space for communal, Culture and aggregation.
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