The document points out that every day of Voltri suffer a serious road congestion and that the stretch is concerned, in accordance with the Company's concession, the construction site of the gutter will solely through the existing highway which, today, has structural deficiencies and dangerous situations. In any case, the construction of foundations, shoulders and some of the bridges and tunnel entrances provided for in the valleys of Leiro and Cerusa will inevitably through the ordinary roads , weighting a situation of mobility close to paralysis.
The movement of heavy vehicles serving the construction gravitate to the coastal road network is the only crossing of the entire settlement of Voltri and today is certainly crisis point more pronounced the whole road network Genoa. a long time in the General Plan / Plan urban city of Genoa is planned the construction of ' Aurelia A. through bypass of the town of Voltri.
The full text of the intervention:
In relation to the plans of the eaves of the highway west of Genoa, became aware of the information provided by the concessionaire on the construction site of this huge work and taking account of serious road congestion that characterizes the daily urban settlement of Voltri occur deep concerns about the possibility that the entire infrastructure can be only through the yards existing roads, especially as the stessa presenta diversi punti strutturalmente insufficienti e registra situazioni di acclarata pericolosità. Di conseguenza, preso atto che in ogni caso la realizzazione delle fondazioni, delle spalle e diparte dei ponti, nonché degli imbocchi delle gallerie previsti nelle valli del Leiro e del Cerusa, avverrà inevitabilmente attraverso la viabilità ordinaria, andando a gravare su una situazione di mobilità prossima alla paralisi, si ritiene indispensabile inserire nel progetto della gronda un insieme di interventi di adeguamento e miglioria della rete viaria locale, in modo da contenere e ridurre al minimo i disagi per l’intero insediamento voltrese. In particolare, si sollecita l’inserimento highway project in the gutter urban road tunnel which would connect the adjoining valleys Leiro and surgeon, located upstream of the Villa Duchess of Galliera but necessarily engaged on the main street of Buffa and dovetailed with the local road network. Only in this way will be at least possible to prevent the movement of heavy vehicles serving the construction gravity on the coastal road which is the only crossing of the entire road network and settlement of Voltri which is almost certainly the point of crisis more pronounced 'Genovese entire road network. On the other hand, just by entering the urban road tunnel between the valleys del Leiro e del Cerusa all’interno del progetto della gronda, sarà possibile dare avvio alla concreta realizzazione dell’Aurelia Bis diaggiramento dell’abitato di Voltri, ormai da lungo tempo prevista dal PRG/PUC di Genova e di cui tale galleria costituisce il primo e prioritario lotto di un intervento.
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