Friday, November 19, 2010

Wallpapering Only Three Walls

Mari de Villa, shared by the volunteers in New

Si è conclusa da poco l'assemblea pubblica per decidere del futuro di Villa de Mari : la partecipazione, forse relativamente low given the importance of the event , saw still has all the volunteers who roll up their sleeves every day to maintain decorum in the Park. The City, in a few days, obtain ownership of the Villa thanks to huge exchange real estate: raises the need to define, in a shared attitude to give the many, very precious, that the Villa offers spaces.

During the evening was presented , the project on part of the roof of the building, operation needed to stop water seepage and damage to the facility: if the architects who are employed have also compiled a ' hypothesis to use of space, shared between two spaces for commercial, cultural and associative. The design has found substantial appreciation of the public good , addressing the need to accommodate associations active in the Consortium and in the Park. The intention, in my view acceptable, volunteers are also available to have a multipurpose room that serves the needs of aggregation of the population, especially children and the elderly.

Strong opposition has instead received the intervention project on external volumes, cd. "Precarious", the Villa: an intervention, compared to 160 thousand euro of spending hand over an area of soli 42 metri quadri alle associazioni. Queste ed altre criticità hanno convinto l'Assessore Margini a demandare, in tempi brevi, al Municipio la scelta definitiva in ordine al da farsi, col coinvolgimento dei soggetti attivi nella Villa.

Per quanto mi riguarda, ho manifestato le mie perplessità in ordine ad un intervento che appare sproporzionato nel rapporto costi-benefici , auspicandone un ripensamento ed una rivalutazione complessiva che coinvolga tutti i soggetti interessati: in primis, occorre considerare come vera spina dorsale e punto di partenza di ogni ragionamento i volontari, senza i quali il Parco sarebbe ancora avvolto da un avvilente degrado . La prospettiva è però anche to identify commercial economic actors to ensure the overall income to stand and stay.


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