Monday, January 31, 2011

Name Of Parts Of Inside Of A Car

Indecent Proposal ...

... and has arrived. Just when I least expected it.

E ' came the proposal for future work, once finished the PhD. And now I have to think, think. Understand and decide.

But I must say that puzzled me today, pleasantly surprised. Maybe, just maybe, it really takes me (as he says), maybe, just maybe, I want to keep because there really to understand what it's worth (as said).

MAYBE. But even this might do to me today has made "quantum leaps" with emotion! And andiamoooooo;)

Congratulations Message For Pregnant

Via Cassanelli and new bridge here is the project

As expected, during a crowded public meeting the Municipal Councillor for Public Works Mario Margins presented today the design of the new bridge and road Cialla the redevelopment of the street Cassanelli. On the first, the work is contracted out and will start work already March and ends in eight months. The project includes a road bridge with two lanes (width 7 m), adjacent to the footbridge , which will be adapted. In a second step will be expected to plan, and in particular to raise the finance (4 - 4.5 million euro) to "stretch" via Aurelia Cassanelli up, and allow a new car outlet to the sea. For now, the organization's viability is the current one.

The municipal accounting has taken officially, today, the proposed City Hall and investment CDs. discounts bids for the rehabilitation of street Cassanelli: about 615mila € , which will put you hand the evident deterioration of the road, the stretch that goes from Piazza Zagora to the sea. The project, still in an embryonic stage, should become Executive in the coming months, however by the end of the year will start the work.

It envisages the creation of a sidewalk, interspersed with trees, and the arrangement of sixty parking spaces. This point is perhaps the most controversial, and in the coming days will be decided by the people which solution is best: alternatives are an implementation of the parking to the detriment of the trees or the arrangement of parking in a herringbone pattern, However, by adjusting the road with a one-way ride. In addition, you will the possibility of creating parking spaces for residents. The redevelopment project includes, inoltre, il rinnovamento dell'illuminazione pubblica (con l'installazione di un impianto a led), della segnaletica orizzontale e verticale, e una nuova regimentazione delle acque , onde venire incontro ai tanti problemi manifestatisi nella via in questi ultimi periodi.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Regenerating via Cassanelli

Sono passati quasi tre anni, ormai, dal giorno in cui portai in Municipio la questione di via Cassanello: una strada dimenticata, lasciata in uno stato di grande degrado a scapito delle centinaia di persone che la abitano. L'opportunità di una profonda, sacrosanta, riqualificazione si pone ora grazie ai cosiddett i "ribassi d'asta" relativi construction of the new bridge over the Varenna, work already contracted. The City of Genoa has in fact agreed to use these resources to the objective proposed by the West Hall VII.

To present and discuss the project with residents, the City Councillor for Public Works Mario Margins Pegli will be Monday, at 18, at the Dance Place in via Cassanelli: pointless to claim the importance of participation and not only for residents of the street.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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This evening was so beautiful ...

that I can not go to sleep, even if in the end my eyes are closing on their own! Dinner with my girlfriends, photos, stories, tea and then ... super tennis challenge! Meanwhile also came under my maritozzi that was the referee!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Does An Ambulance Ride Cost

resolution: to do it sooner or later.

Here I am with my "new" as a teacher in private lessons in mathematics and physics, as well as chemistry and geometry, which is promising good ...

Now my babies are 9 with some occasional peak at 10-11 for those. I have to go higher, but which is still a fair number. At this point it is urgent to increase the time to devote to lessons, which can not all be stuck between 17.30/18.00 and dinner time. I can not, I'm practically killing with my hands ...

So what I proposed to do is ASK, even better, of which the boss that I need, say, a couple of afternoons a week. So I organize the classes in those afternoons and do not die, I might even increase the ride ...

say that we like to regard as good. Now, I need another good dose of courage to tell her. oooooooooooookkei!

elis @

Funny Baby Shower Congratulations

Two days of great swimming Prà

Spalti crowded and a thousand athletes, including some veterans from the Beijing Olympics and the Europeans in Budapest: There have been two days of great sport those who, last Saturday and Sunday, led to an event of national Pra, year after year is emerging as one of the most important events in the sporting landscape of our city. Thanks to the organization of the Sporting Group Aragno, and in particular the Manager of the Pra Marco Ghiglione, the Trophy GS Aragno - Dolphins " is now in its fifth edition, once again proving to be the most pride and joy of sport in western Genoa.

The event demonstrates the enormous potential of the pool, and buffer zones in general can be per Prà e per tutto il territorio del Ponente. La presenza di soggetti, quali Prà Viva e l'Aragno, in grado valorizzare in questo modo il patrimonio a disposizione, sono una grande garanzia in vista degli ingenti finanziamenti che, negli anni a venire, cambieranno il volto della delegazione.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Good Places To Get Dresses

All women of the President ...

... that no longer looks the TG, is perhaps symptomatic. First it was a must, and TG dinner to learn about what happens in the world.

Since now only talking about how many women made himself our president, how, when and how gave him, well ... I'm a bit pissed off if you will.

Not that we are talking of contracts of shit that make us, in our situation, never ... Indeed, if we speak of the "young" are the ones that have both not want to do shit.

Eccerto because after 9-10 hours laboratory, 2 hours of repetition, sometimes an evening at the restaurant to do the animation for children, well maybe I could go on the freeway to finish supplement their income, because in the end ... that's how you turn in life. Or do the bitch

Arcore or demented to do the big brother or gets a BIG kick in the ass and then even if you're not one of them, the job you give it.

ARE VERY angry. There.

elis @

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Now I would like someone to explain to me why the hell are not yet released the results of the competition DONE September 27 and for which I canceled our trip to NYC!

casserole, four months seems a lot of time to correct written 200 no? Eccheccacchio!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

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  • came the album seriously, what the wedding photos ...
  • who arrived four photo books that I created ... serious one marriage, that of the feast of the marriage, the the trip to Kenya and the reconstruction of OUR HOUSE, rubble and furniture!
  • we finally bought the appliques of the room
  • we're waiting for that call us to go to the glazier, finally, to return the door to the room with the glass!

END. elis @

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sasusaku Highschool Fanfics

554 ° - The fuck ...

And came the shit. That you do not expect me and almost enjoying this time, although initially m'è took a hit.

attacked us because we in the lab, graduate students, the questionnaire on the activities that the school, we answered that in fact we did practically nothing, and this does not coincide with what he writes. MA VA '?

Perhaps instead of saying that we had a crap and expect to see the release of a questionnaire completed anonymously, it would be better not send it I'm already pre-compiled questionnaire?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Write Sorority Interest Letter

Voltri: started the demolition of the shed

Riprendo l'aggiornamento del blog con una notizia voltrese, che avevo già precedentemente annunciato. Mercoledì scorso sono iniziati i lavori di smantellamento del Capannone ex Puppo Metalli : l'opera sta procedendo celermente, ed in tempi ragionevolmente brevi il litorale voltrese recupererà uno spazio importante, fino ad oggi occupato from an ancient and dilapidated building. After the reclamation, as a first step, the area will be used as a parking .

This is an important element in the redevelopment of the waterfront voltrese, waiting for the other dilapidated structure, the building formerly Coproma, both upgraded and converted into plate Health, to the project, aimed at permanently changing 'overlooking the sea of \u200b\u200bthe delegation.

Bmi Data Females Table

I recommend ...

... meeting before 9.00 so we then have time to work.

Here are the famous last words.

I have thrown at 8.20, he presented himself at 10.00, I called for the meeting at 12.00 and he wound up in three minutes because he had no time.

THE FACE! Now system ste 4 things and I'm leaving.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

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I decided ...

... that will invest my savings on a Win For Life, as it is the higher the probability that I win there than to find a decent job.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Legs Ache And Burn

was born on my site!

Here he is, hoping it can become my real job ... PUBBLICIZZATEMI SE POWER!

(the site has a problem with IE 8, click on compatibility mode and then close vicinity of the address will always appear in the right way!)


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I am back to reality!

Stanno finendo queste feste, che poi alla fine non finiscono se penso che domani non lavoro e non lavorerò fino a lunedì. Festa festa festa! E' passato il primo Natale con mio marito, il primo capodanno ed anche la prima Befana e sono stati MERAVIGLIOSI , anche se un po' affannosi.

Abbiamo passato la vigilia da nonna, la VIGILIA con la VI maiuscola, tanto che abbiamo iniziato a friggere broccoli, ricotta, baccalà, carciofi e patate alle 18.00 per cenare alle 20.30. Samuele ha le foto nel cellulare, ve le posto! Premetto che per friggere tutte quelle cosa, nonno come tutti gli anni ha attrezzato la cantina con la cucina da campeggio. Fico!

Natale a casa di MAMMA e poi dopo pranzo in Toscana... 137 km e passa la paura. Serata dai nostri testimoni che hanno un pargoletto di appena un mese, 26 dai miei suoceri e 27 al lavoro!

Abbiamo lavorato tutti e due fino al 31. Eravamo intenzionati a passare la mezzanotte in piazza al centro di Roma, ma io non mi sentivo benissimo, Sam nemmeno... quindi, abbiamo organizzato una serata, che alla fine è risultata... il più bel capodanno degli ultimi anni! Ho chiamato i miei, obbligandoli a portare i loro telecomandi wii ... Una serata meravigliosa , TRANQUILLA. Fuochi visti dal balcone di casetta e ninne!

Primo dell'anno in Toscana di nuovo...

Non sono state feste, tranquille come le avrei preferite, ma son state pur sempre feste in famiglia, cosa che io amo.

