Monday, January 31, 2011

Congratulations Message For Pregnant

Via Cassanelli and new bridge here is the project

As expected, during a crowded public meeting the Municipal Councillor for Public Works Mario Margins presented today the design of the new bridge and road Cialla the redevelopment of the street Cassanelli. On the first, the work is contracted out and will start work already March and ends in eight months. The project includes a road bridge with two lanes (width 7 m), adjacent to the footbridge , which will be adapted. In a second step will be expected to plan, and in particular to raise the finance (4 - 4.5 million euro) to "stretch" via Aurelia Cassanelli up, and allow a new car outlet to the sea. For now, the organization's viability is the current one.

The municipal accounting has taken officially, today, the proposed City Hall and investment CDs. discounts bids for the rehabilitation of street Cassanelli: about 615mila € , which will put you hand the evident deterioration of the road, the stretch that goes from Piazza Zagora to the sea. The project, still in an embryonic stage, should become Executive in the coming months, however by the end of the year will start the work.

It envisages the creation of a sidewalk, interspersed with trees, and the arrangement of sixty parking spaces. This point is perhaps the most controversial, and in the coming days will be decided by the people which solution is best: alternatives are an implementation of the parking to the detriment of the trees or the arrangement of parking in a herringbone pattern, However, by adjusting the road with a one-way ride. In addition, you will the possibility of creating parking spaces for residents. The redevelopment project includes, inoltre, il rinnovamento dell'illuminazione pubblica (con l'installazione di un impianto a led), della segnaletica orizzontale e verticale, e una nuova regimentazione delle acque , onde venire incontro ai tanti problemi manifestatisi nella via in questi ultimi periodi.


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