Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can Mango Wood Be Used Outdoors?

Farewell Sandra Finally a True Artist

Lo Staff di BlogArt porge le piu sentite condoglianze per la morte di Sandra.

Foto Le Press

MILANO - L'attrice Sandra Mondaini è morta, questa mattina poco prima delle 13, all'ospedale San Raffaele di Milano dove era ricoverata da circa 10 giorni. Aveva 79 anni: era nata l'1 settembre del 1931. Lo scorso aprile era morto anche il marito Raimondo Vianello and she had been sorely tried, as to be hospitalized in a nursing home.
CAREER - brilliant actress that pointed to the pure comedy and drama, Mondaini Sandra, died today aged 79, has starred in a succession of unforgettable sketch that have marked his career. The most famous are the ones with her husband Raimondo Vianello, among which the sit-com Mediaset in 1988 "Casa Vianello" - which launched the famous catchphrase of "that beard, how boring" in Latvian bed - even if his first sketch "marital" were those spoken with Conrad to "The Spinning Top" in 1964.


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