They are generally of small stature and dark skin.
do not like water, many of them stink because they keep the same clothes for several weeks.
shacks are built of wood and aluminum in the suburbs of the cities where they live close to each other.
When they approached the center dilapidated apartments rent at a great price.
is usually present in two and looking for a room with kitchen. After a few days turn into four, six, ten.
Among them speak languages \u200b\u200bincomprehensible to us, probably ancient dialects.
Many children are used for begging in front of churches, but often women dressed in black and elderly men almost always invoke pity, toni lamentosi e petulanti.
Fanno molti figli che faticano a mantenere e sono assai uniti tra di loro.
Dicono che siano dediti al furto e, se ostacolati, violenti.
Le nostre donne li evitano non solo perché poco attraenti e selvatici ma perché si è diffusa la voce di alcuni stupri consumati dopo agguati in strade periferiche quando le donne tornano dal lavoro.
I nostri governanti hanno aperto troppo gli ingressi alle frontiere ma, soprattutto, non hanno saputo selezionare tra coloro che entrano nel nostro paese per lavorare e quelli che pensano di vivere di espedienti o, addirittura, attività criminali...
...Si privilegino i veneti e i lombardi, tardi di comprendonio e ignoranti ma disposti più other work.
They adapt to homes that Americans refuse as long as they remain with the families and do not question their wages.
The others, those that have reported much of this first report, from the south of Italy.
I invite you to check the documents of origin and to repatriate more.
Our security must be the first concern.
A report of the Inspectorate for Immigration in the U.S. Congress on Italian immigrants in the United States, October 1912.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
How To Unremove A Facebook Post
Letter of Indian chief Seattle to U.S. President Franklin Pierce. Now travel
In 1854 the "Great White" in Washington (the president of the United States) will offer 'to buy a part of Indian territory and promised to establish national a "reservation" for Indian people. Here is the reply of "Chief Seattle", still considered the most 'beautiful, the most' profound statement ever made on the environment.
(a Native American Prophecy CHAPTER Sealth of Seattle): "When did you first met you told us that we should pray to your God We could not understand your request. Your God can never be ours. There is too much difference between us. We kill animals and eat them all we need. You kill for no reason and abandoned the bodies of animals who have shot down. You cut entire forests and we use only the fallen branches and dead trees and we respect for each pine needle. You break rocks, drilled the mountains and fail to listen to the spirit of the earth that says, "Do not do it. Do not make me bad. " We feel the spirit and mystery of life, even in the wings of dragonflies. You are blind and deaf to the things that exist and when you turn to God, ask for wealth, power and money. We ask the Great Spirit to show us the beauty, strangeness and beauty of the green earth, the 'single mother, and show us things in their essence and perfection, as only one Being, which remains one even if it is very . You forget your dead, and buried them there to keep care of their graves and do not feel tied to the land that preserves the bones of your fathers. For us, a man who forgets these things is worse than a beast angry. For all this you manage to sell the earth and for us the earth is like the 'air we breathe, the body of our mother and we can not even conceive that it can be sold, divided and fenced. Now my little people: we seem to remain the leaves on a tree shaken by the winds of winter and we can not defend ourselves. Now You send us a reservation that we should withdraw. I know that this solution is imposed on us by an ineluctable force. We have tried to escape as the morning mist flees forward in the light of the rising sun ... We are now few and we do not care to know where we will spend the rest of our days. Our nation was once strong and powerful and now little recently died. Our nights are getting longer, dark and lonely. Everywhere we tried to take refuge from your hand chased exterminator and we have to endure the fate like a wounded animal and hunted by the hunter who wants to finish it. And yet I'm not complaining. We spent a long time for 'happy existence of which we were aware, and from which we draw joy and wealth of' mind. For a tribe follows a 'and other nations follow nations as a generation happens to' other. It 's a constant birth and death and complaining is useless. Perhaps the day of your sunset is not far, but it is certain to come. Then maybe we can be brothers. Now is the vostra stagione tuttavia, e poiché ciò appare evidente, tagliate gli alberi, uccidete gli animali, domate i cavalli selvaggi, sterminate gli indiani. Io vedo bene, dai vostri occhi e dai vostri comportamenti, che la vostra città produce immondizie ed esse, un giorno, vi annegheranno. Ma intanto consentitemi di ribadire che la terra che ci ordinate di abbandonare è sacra alla mia gente. Ogni collina, monte, bosco, lago, fiume o valle o pianura sono pieni di eventi tristi e lieti e di ricordi. I fili d'erba, i piccoli gigli lungo i fiumi d'argento, le fragole che crescono ai margini dei prati coperti di rugiada, persino le pietre che giacciono sorde e immobili nella quiete fresca della notte e nel calore diurno, hanno bevuto la vita del and told my people 'have returned. The dust is linked to the footsteps of our people and our feet are in it a familiarity that your feet will never have. She drank the blood of our fathers, and contains the salt of their tears, grease and ashes of the campfires, the sweat of pleasure and fear. Our warriors disappeared, the girls kind-hearted and lovely shapes, the kids who lived there and found food, our mothers are living part fond of these places that still appease the lonely heart. And they always come back as a mark of spirit when the New Moon, a small silver canoe, sail among the stars surrounded by a mist of silver foxes. They continue their lives without the burden the body because the impulses of a people they continue to exist after the death of the individual and focus on his land and the bridge of human life. And so, even when the 'India is dead last and the memory of my people will become a legend for whites, this land will house more invisible forms of our dead. The children of your children will believe only in the fields, in homes, on the streets of your city or in the silence of the pathless woods. But even when, at night, the streets and squares will be silent and deserted, will be around wherever the spirits of those who once inhabited and loved this wonderful country. (...) You will not realize all of this. But one day our spirit will fill of your own descendants. One day, I said, because now you seem incapable of a sentiment that is not the 'hatred: the' hate and fear, urging you to actions that not only have to order the destruction of others, but also yours. L 'hatred and fear that prevent you from understanding that the human race is like the sun and that the people are the spokes and that when people die the sun begins to die and the earth becomes colder. L 'hatred and fear that do not give you the recognition that animal species are the roots that unite heaven and earth and that man can not cut if he does not want to die. We hope that in future the spirit of 'red man, with love and reverence that respects all living things, is impossessi lentamente dei vostri figli e penetri lentamente in coloro che nulla sanno di lui. Cercate perciò di guardare alla nostra fine con rispetto e tolleranza. I nostri padri, noi stessi staremo sempre intorno a voi e attenderemo con pazienza fino a che non riusciamo a piantare nella vostra indole distruttiva un seme di amore per la vita. Se ciò accadrà, il vostro mondo sparirà e il nostro tornerà a vivere. Ma forse non riusciremo a far ciò. E allora, quando una ragnatela di fili che sussurrano avrà circondato l' azzurro del cielo, quando il rondone sarà scomparso e la vita sarà diventata sopravvivenza, quando i fiumi saranno morti con i laghi e le montagne, quando il vostro folle modo di vivere avrà sommerso la terra, UN GRANDE FUOCO SIMILE AD UN SOLE, che voi stessi avrete costruito nella vostra ansia di distruzione e di dominio, cadrà dal cielo e distruggerà ogni cosa, e la terra e gli uomini saranno pietra per sempre".
In 1854 the "Great White" in Washington (the president of the United States) will offer 'to buy a part of Indian territory and promised to establish national a "reservation" for Indian people. Here is the reply of "Chief Seattle", still considered the most 'beautiful, the most' profound statement ever made on the environment.
(a Native American Prophecy CHAPTER Sealth of Seattle): "When did you first met you told us that we should pray to your God We could not understand your request. Your God can never be ours. There is too much difference between us. We kill animals and eat them all we need. You kill for no reason and abandoned the bodies of animals who have shot down. You cut entire forests and we use only the fallen branches and dead trees and we respect for each pine needle. You break rocks, drilled the mountains and fail to listen to the spirit of the earth that says, "Do not do it. Do not make me bad. " We feel the spirit and mystery of life, even in the wings of dragonflies. You are blind and deaf to the things that exist and when you turn to God, ask for wealth, power and money. We ask the Great Spirit to show us the beauty, strangeness and beauty of the green earth, the 'single mother, and show us things in their essence and perfection, as only one Being, which remains one even if it is very . You forget your dead, and buried them there to keep care of their graves and do not feel tied to the land that preserves the bones of your fathers. For us, a man who forgets these things is worse than a beast angry. For all this you manage to sell the earth and for us the earth is like the 'air we breathe, the body of our mother and we can not even conceive that it can be sold, divided and fenced. Now my little people: we seem to remain the leaves on a tree shaken by the winds of winter and we can not defend ourselves. Now You send us a reservation that we should withdraw. I know that this solution is imposed on us by an ineluctable force. We have tried to escape as the morning mist flees forward in the light of the rising sun ... We are now few and we do not care to know where we will spend the rest of our days. Our nation was once strong and powerful and now little recently died. Our nights are getting longer, dark and lonely. Everywhere we tried to take refuge from your hand chased exterminator and we have to endure the fate like a wounded animal and hunted by the hunter who wants to finish it. And yet I'm not complaining. We spent a long time for 'happy existence of which we were aware, and from which we draw joy and wealth of' mind. For a tribe follows a 'and other nations follow nations as a generation happens to' other. It 's a constant birth and death and complaining is useless. Perhaps the day of your sunset is not far, but it is certain to come. Then maybe we can be brothers. Now is the vostra stagione tuttavia, e poiché ciò appare evidente, tagliate gli alberi, uccidete gli animali, domate i cavalli selvaggi, sterminate gli indiani. Io vedo bene, dai vostri occhi e dai vostri comportamenti, che la vostra città produce immondizie ed esse, un giorno, vi annegheranno. Ma intanto consentitemi di ribadire che la terra che ci ordinate di abbandonare è sacra alla mia gente. Ogni collina, monte, bosco, lago, fiume o valle o pianura sono pieni di eventi tristi e lieti e di ricordi. I fili d'erba, i piccoli gigli lungo i fiumi d'argento, le fragole che crescono ai margini dei prati coperti di rugiada, persino le pietre che giacciono sorde e immobili nella quiete fresca della notte e nel calore diurno, hanno bevuto la vita del and told my people 'have returned. The dust is linked to the footsteps of our people and our feet are in it a familiarity that your feet will never have. She drank the blood of our fathers, and contains the salt of their tears, grease and ashes of the campfires, the sweat of pleasure and fear. Our warriors disappeared, the girls kind-hearted and lovely shapes, the kids who lived there and found food, our mothers are living part fond of these places that still appease the lonely heart. And they always come back as a mark of spirit when the New Moon, a small silver canoe, sail among the stars surrounded by a mist of silver foxes. They continue their lives without the burden the body because the impulses of a people they continue to exist after the death of the individual and focus on his land and the bridge of human life. And so, even when the 'India is dead last and the memory of my people will become a legend for whites, this land will house more invisible forms of our dead. The children of your children will believe only in the fields, in homes, on the streets of your city or in the silence of the pathless woods. But even when, at night, the streets and squares will be silent and deserted, will be around wherever the spirits of those who once inhabited and loved this wonderful country. (...) You will not realize all of this. But one day our spirit will fill of your own descendants. One day, I said, because now you seem incapable of a sentiment that is not the 'hatred: the' hate and fear, urging you to actions that not only have to order the destruction of others, but also yours. L 'hatred and fear that prevent you from understanding that the human race is like the sun and that the people are the spokes and that when people die the sun begins to die and the earth becomes colder. L 'hatred and fear that do not give you the recognition that animal species are the roots that unite heaven and earth and that man can not cut if he does not want to die. We hope that in future the spirit of 'red man, with love and reverence that respects all living things, is impossessi lentamente dei vostri figli e penetri lentamente in coloro che nulla sanno di lui. Cercate perciò di guardare alla nostra fine con rispetto e tolleranza. I nostri padri, noi stessi staremo sempre intorno a voi e attenderemo con pazienza fino a che non riusciamo a piantare nella vostra indole distruttiva un seme di amore per la vita. Se ciò accadrà, il vostro mondo sparirà e il nostro tornerà a vivere. Ma forse non riusciremo a far ciò. E allora, quando una ragnatela di fili che sussurrano avrà circondato l' azzurro del cielo, quando il rondone sarà scomparso e la vita sarà diventata sopravvivenza, quando i fiumi saranno morti con i laghi e le montagne, quando il vostro folle modo di vivere avrà sommerso la terra, UN GRANDE FUOCO SIMILE AD UN SOLE, che voi stessi avrete costruito nella vostra ansia di distruzione e di dominio, cadrà dal cielo e distruggerà ogni cosa, e la terra e gli uomini saranno pietra per sempre".
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Pokemon May Misty Dawn Hot
seriously .....
pamukkale, antakiya, kappadokiya, adana, .... chi piu ne ha piu ne metta.
non ci sono molto perhce viaggio davvero tanto ora. oggi parto per la capitale, si prevedono grandi cose.
vi lascio qualche foto con la consapevolezza di essere davvero una persona fortunata.
ANTİOCHİA di questa citta mi ci sono innamorata persa....
pamukkale, antakiya, kappadokiya, adana, .... chi piu ne ha piu ne metta.
non ci sono molto perhce viaggio davvero tanto ora. oggi parto per la capitale, si prevedono grandi cose.
vi lascio qualche foto con la consapevolezza di essere davvero una persona fortunata.

ANTİOCHİA di questa citta mi ci sono innamorata persa....



Thursday, April 30, 2009
80s Areobics Costumes
30.April 2009 will discover today THE DREAMERS
Ero diventato membro di quella che in quei giorni era una specie di massoneria, la massoneria dei cinefili, those patients who called cinema. I was one of the insatiable, one of those who sit close to the screen. Because we sat so close? Maybe it was because we wanted to receive the images first, when they were still new, still fresh, before escaping into the background, jumping over row after row, after a spectator spectator, until, exhausted, now used, the size of a postage stamp would not be back in the cabin projection. (Matthew)
other parents are always nicer than ours. Yet, for some reason, our grandparents are increasingly sympathetic to those of our friends. (Isabelle)
[Speaking parents] I mean not just ignore them. They should all be arrested and put on trial, forced to confess their crimes, then sent to campaign for self-criticism and then ... THE RE-EDUCATION!
I do not believe in God, but if I believed it would be a black-and left-handed guitarist. [Referring to Jimi Hendrix] (Matthew)
how much I love French films and actors
and Louis Garrel
and "La Mer" and Edith Piaf
and the things he says that film
and Bertolucci.
obliging the person who has not yet seen the strut scaricOPS to buy and guardarselo today.

Ero diventato membro di quella che in quei giorni era una specie di massoneria, la massoneria dei cinefili, those patients who called cinema. I was one of the insatiable, one of those who sit close to the screen. Because we sat so close? Maybe it was because we wanted to receive the images first, when they were still new, still fresh, before escaping into the background, jumping over row after row, after a spectator spectator, until, exhausted, now used, the size of a postage stamp would not be back in the cabin projection. (Matthew)

other parents are always nicer than ours. Yet, for some reason, our grandparents are increasingly sympathetic to those of our friends. (Isabelle)
[Speaking parents] I mean not just ignore them. They should all be arrested and put on trial, forced to confess their crimes, then sent to campaign for self-criticism and then ... THE RE-EDUCATION!
I do not believe in God, but if I believed it would be a black-and left-handed guitarist. [Referring to Jimi Hendrix] (Matthew)

how much I love French films and actors
and Louis Garrel
and "La Mer" and Edith Piaf
and the things he says that film
and Bertolucci.
obliging the person who has not yet seen the strut scaricOPS to buy and guardarselo today.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bridal Congratulation
And for all the other's pain is pain in half. (Fabrizio De Andre)
know, but the picture of people crying and children with blood bothers me.
not for the blood.
this post is a little indignant to me that for 40 minutes, I suffer, I try to run the few that I find real information and then come back to my life.
not publish for a while. I follow Anna, more than ever. but to publish my usual nonsense for a while I do not like.

know, but the picture of people crying and children with blood bothers me.
not for the blood.
this post is a little indignant to me that for 40 minutes, I suffer, I try to run the few that I find real information and then come back to my life.
not publish for a while. I follow Anna, more than ever. but to publish my usual nonsense for a while I do not like.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Drain Water From Finger
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I am no longer here. The last post was not written in my own hand. It was my friend Clare, who wrote from Bologna. That's me. The situation is tragic. Indescribable. Me and my family have lost everything: homes, work, past life roots. ALL. But what I would urlaste for me is the rage of being left alone. We Abruzzesi we were sent to death deliberately. There were months and months of shock, and no one has ever spoken. No newspaper, no TG. NO. NESSUNO.NESSUNO. No emergency plan had been prepared. We were sent to death. They would have us evacuate. The earthquake del 700 ha avuto la stessa casistica, gli stessi tempi. Identico. E loro ci rassicuravano. Parlano di 200 morti. Bugia. Al momento sono mille. E non è finita. E gli sfollati sono 60mila.Denuncio quell'imbelle del sindaco Cialente. La presidente della provincia Stefania Pezzopane. Tutte le autorità. L'Aquila non è. Fu. E noi tutti con lei. Si entra in città e non si hanno più punti di riferimento. Mio marito è entrato stamani. E' tornato al campo sfollati. Non connetteva. Non sapeva più neanche il suo nome. Sono lucida. Le cose che vi dico sono verità.
A presto. Anna
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I am no longer here. The last post was not written in my own hand. It was my friend Clare, who wrote from Bologna. That's me. The situation is tragic. Indescribable. Me and my family have lost everything: homes, work, past life roots. ALL. But what I would urlaste for me is the rage of being left alone. We Abruzzesi we were sent to death deliberately. There were months and months of shock, and no one has ever spoken. No newspaper, no TG. NO. NESSUNO.NESSUNO. No emergency plan had been prepared. We were sent to death. They would have us evacuate. The earthquake del 700 ha avuto la stessa casistica, gli stessi tempi. Identico. E loro ci rassicuravano. Parlano di 200 morti. Bugia. Al momento sono mille. E non è finita. E gli sfollati sono 60mila.Denuncio quell'imbelle del sindaco Cialente. La presidente della provincia Stefania Pezzopane. Tutte le autorità. L'Aquila non è. Fu. E noi tutti con lei. Si entra in città e non si hanno più punti di riferimento. Mio marito è entrato stamani. E' tornato al campo sfollati. Non connetteva. Non sapeva più neanche il suo nome. Sono lucida. Le cose che vi dico sono verità.
A presto. Anna
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Fire Red Cheats For Roms
Sunday, March 29, 2009
2010 Scamp Travel Trailer
happiness is not the arrival, but the way we travel. *
Quado what you think if I say "elections"?
perhaps what I think: expectations distressing watching television, the choice between bad and worse, thoughts turned to those damned journalists, knowing that, again, that idiot with no conscience represent us before the whole world, that we still bear his dictatorship without a hint of shame, cursing at my companions Lega and their newspapers, ....
this and more is what I think when I remember the last election (the ones I remember best because they are very young). all pretty much feeling .... perfect for a sore liver.
and every time I think that the next election may vote for me the shivers run down my spine: the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to give my "contribution" to a company that I find so marked and infamous, have to give my "ok" to this or that other in order to fight tooth and nail all that vomit speech full of "freedom." I do not know ... I was already bad when even I could do it, I already did a million questions ... I guess in a few years in that condition I'd be right ...
think about all this even when you hear the word "election"?
in Turkey today are over the municipal and provincial elections (the thing here is regulated in a slightly different but you know ...) and I smelled a wonderful air.
that the Turks will be the eternal "party animals", but the election was really a fountain dı colorı, musıche; nıente a che fare, ınsomma, con la mıa ıdea da ıtalıana.
gıa dal mese prıma dell ınızıo delle votazıonı per le cıtta sı vedevano gırare ı camıoncını deı partıtı con la musıca a palla (stıle tamarrı ıtalıanı) e per strada la gente che ballava.
con l avvıcınarsı ı ballı aumentavano e la musıca anche e ı meetıng dove trovavı chılometrı dı statalı colme dı automobılı con stereı a massımo volume, sempre ovvıamente con musıche tradızıonalı, e gente dancing on the roofs of cars covered only by the flags of the party.
and today, I got the results, I told you long ago that Smyrna, my city, and the more leftist and less happy with the Muslim president in office.
well, has proven once again, here he won the CHP garden Additional founded by Atatürk nice man who love the Turks as a god
. The party left perıntendercı.
I was at city hall with my father and sister and the thing I was really overwhelmed.
the need to vote in Italy is a curse, as a punishment for some sin ugly, here is a hope, a certainty that things will be far better. but we have learned that there be no end to the worst.
people here with drums and clarinets in the middle of the road, completely ignoring the cars that trumpeted to pass, fireworks for half an hour, dance and song around the country and marked with the megaphones, contagious enthusiasm.
Suggested trips to Turkey just for elections.
Quado what you think if I say "elections"?
perhaps what I think: expectations distressing watching television, the choice between bad and worse, thoughts turned to those damned journalists, knowing that, again, that idiot with no conscience represent us before the whole world, that we still bear his dictatorship without a hint of shame, cursing at my companions Lega and their newspapers, ....

this and more is what I think when I remember the last election (the ones I remember best because they are very young). all pretty much feeling .... perfect for a sore liver.
and every time I think that the next election may vote for me the shivers run down my spine: the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to give my "contribution" to a company that I find so marked and infamous, have to give my "ok" to this or that other in order to fight tooth and nail all that vomit speech full of "freedom." I do not know ... I was already bad when even I could do it, I already did a million questions ... I guess in a few years in that condition I'd be right ...
think about all this even when you hear the word "election"?
in Turkey today are over the municipal and provincial elections (the thing here is regulated in a slightly different but you know ...) and I smelled a wonderful air.
that the Turks will be the eternal "party animals", but the election was really a fountain dı colorı, musıche; nıente a che fare, ınsomma, con la mıa ıdea da ıtalıana.
gıa dal mese prıma dell ınızıo delle votazıonı per le cıtta sı vedevano gırare ı camıoncını deı partıtı con la musıca a palla (stıle tamarrı ıtalıanı) e per strada la gente che ballava.

con l avvıcınarsı ı ballı aumentavano e la musıca anche e ı meetıng dove trovavı chılometrı dı statalı colme dı automobılı con stereı a massımo volume, sempre ovvıamente con musıche tradızıonalı, e gente dancing on the roofs of cars covered only by the flags of the party.
and today, I got the results, I told you long ago that Smyrna, my city, and the more leftist and less happy with the Muslim president in office.

well, has proven once again, here he won the CHP garden Additional founded by Atatürk nice man who love the Turks as a god

I was at city hall with my father and sister and the thing I was really overwhelmed.
the need to vote in Italy is a curse, as a punishment for some sin ugly, here is a hope, a certainty that things will be far better. but we have learned that there be no end to the worst.
people here with drums and clarinets in the middle of the road, completely ignoring the cars that trumpeted to pass, fireworks for half an hour, dance and song around the country and marked with the megaphones, contagious enthusiasm.

Suggested trips to Turkey just for elections.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Congratulations Pregnancy Message
born a man but if I will be happy anyway. and maybe more because you will be spared many humiliations, so many servants, so many abuses. If
born a man, for example, will not have to fear being raped in the oxen of a road.
not you should use a pretty face to be accepted at first glance, a beautiful body to hide your intelligence. Not bad reviews
will suffer when you sleep with who you apparently not I hear you say that sin was born the day that coglıestı the apple.
sweat a lot less, you will be able to beat more easily argue that if God existed, it could also be an old man with white hair or a pretty girl.
You disobey without being laughed at, to love without waking up one night with the sensation of falling into a well, defend yourself without being insulted. Of course you will touch other
slavery, other forms of injustice: not for a man you know life is easy.
muscles stronger since it will ask you to bring heaviest burden, we will impose arbitrary responsibility.
as it will have a beard, if you cry and laugh even if you need tenderness.
as it will have a line outside, I order you to kill or be killed in the war and require to pass your complicity in the tyranny that create caves.
yet, or relished this, man will be a wonderful adventure as: a company that never let you down. At least I
spero perche, se nasceraı uomo, spero che tu dıventı un uomo come ıo l ho sempre sognato: dolce con ı debolı, feroce con ı prepotentı, generoso con chı tı vuole bene e spıetato con chı tı comanda.
Infıne, nemıco dı chıunque raccontı che ı gesu sono fıglı del padre e dello spırıto santo: non della madre che lı partorı.
Bambıno, ıo sto cercando dı spıegartı che essere uomo non sıgnıfıca avere la coda davantı: sıgnıfıca essere una persona.
E anzıtutto, a me, ınteressa che tu sıa una persona.
é una parola stupensa, la parola persona, perche non pone lımıtı a un uomo o una donna, non traccıa frontıere tra chı ha la coda e chı non ce l ha, é un fılo talmente sottıle: ın pratıca sı rıduce alla facolta dı poter crescere o no una creatura nel ventre.
Il cuore e ıl cervello no0n hanno sesso. E neanche ıl comportamento.
Se saraı una persona dı cuore e dı cervello, rıcordalo, ıo non saro certo tra quellı che tı ıngıungeranno dı comportartı ın un modo o nell altro ın quanto maschıo o femmına.
tı chıedero solo dı sfruttare bene ıl mıracolo dı essere nato, dı non cedere maı alla vılta.
é an ugly beast cowardice, which is always lurking. There
bites everyone, everyday, and very few people that can not be torn to pieces by her.
In the name of prudence, in the name of convenience, sometimes wisdom. Vili
until a rich threatens them, the men dıventan defiant after the risk passed.
not you should avoid the call, never, even if fear stops you.
come into the world is already a risk. What
to repent, then, of your coming.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Blueprint, Office Building
not going back ... I'm sorry .... I do not know for what ....
Sara un uomo o una donna?
vorreı che tu fossı una donna. vorreı che tu provassı un gıorno cıo che provo ı: non sono affatto daccordo con la mıa mamma la quale pensa che nascere donna sıa una dısgrazıa. La mıa mamma quando é molto ınfelıce sospıra "ah, se fossi nata uomo!".
Lo so: ıl nostro é un mondo fabbrıcato daglı uomını per glı uomını, la loro dıttatura é cosı antıca che sı estende perfıno al lınguaggıo.
sı dıce uomo per dıre uomo e donna, sı dıce bambıno per dıre bambıno e bambıno, sı dıce fıglıo per dıre fıglıo e fıglıa, sı dıce omıcıdıo per ındıcare l assasınıo dı un uomo e dı una donna.
nelle leggende che ı maschı hanno ınventato per spıegare la vıta, la prıma creatura non é una donna: é un uomo chıamato adamo. Eva arrıva dopo, per dıvertırlo e combınare guaı. Neı dıpıntı che adornano le chıese Dio é un vecchıo con la barba bıanca maı una vecchıa con ı capellı bıanchı.
E tuttı ı loro eroı sono maschı: da quel prometeo che scoprı ıl fuoco a quell ıcaro che tentö dı volare, su fıno a quel gesu che dıchıarano son of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit: as if the woman had given birth which was a nightmare or a nurse.
yet, or because of it, being a woman is so fascinating. is an adventure that takes such courage, a challenge that never get bored.
have so many things to do if birth women.
To begin with, you will have to beat to claim that if God exists could also be an old man with white hair or a pretty girl.
Then you explain that to beat for sin was born on the day in which Eve plucked the apple that day was born a great virtue called disobedience.
finally to show that you have to beat inside your body smooth and round us an intelligence that applies to be heard. Being a mother is not a job. even a duty. being a mom is just the right among the many rights. Worked so hard to repeat. And often, almost always lose. But you will not be discouraged.
fight is much better than winning, travel and much more fun than arriving, when you arrived or you won, I feel a great emptiness.
Yes, I hope you're the woman, never mind if I call you baby.
And I hope you never say what my mother says.
IO, did not I ever told.
continues ........
Sara un uomo o una donna?
vorreı che tu fossı una donna. vorreı che tu provassı un gıorno cıo che provo ı: non sono affatto daccordo con la mıa mamma la quale pensa che nascere donna sıa una dısgrazıa. La mıa mamma quando é molto ınfelıce sospıra "ah, se fossi nata uomo!".
Lo so: ıl nostro é un mondo fabbrıcato daglı uomını per glı uomını, la loro dıttatura é cosı antıca che sı estende perfıno al lınguaggıo.
sı dıce uomo per dıre uomo e donna, sı dıce bambıno per dıre bambıno e bambıno, sı dıce fıglıo per dıre fıglıo e fıglıa, sı dıce omıcıdıo per ındıcare l assasınıo dı un uomo e dı una donna.
nelle leggende che ı maschı hanno ınventato per spıegare la vıta, la prıma creatura non é una donna: é un uomo chıamato adamo. Eva arrıva dopo, per dıvertırlo e combınare guaı. Neı dıpıntı che adornano le chıese Dio é un vecchıo con la barba bıanca maı una vecchıa con ı capellı bıanchı.
E tuttı ı loro eroı sono maschı: da quel prometeo che scoprı ıl fuoco a quell ıcaro che tentö dı volare, su fıno a quel gesu che dıchıarano son of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit: as if the woman had given birth which was a nightmare or a nurse.
yet, or because of it, being a woman is so fascinating. is an adventure that takes such courage, a challenge that never get bored.
have so many things to do if birth women.
To begin with, you will have to beat to claim that if God exists could also be an old man with white hair or a pretty girl.
Then you explain that to beat for sin was born on the day in which Eve plucked the apple that day was born a great virtue called disobedience.
finally to show that you have to beat inside your body smooth and round us an intelligence that applies to be heard. Being a mother is not a job. even a duty. being a mom is just the right among the many rights. Worked so hard to repeat. And often, almost always lose. But you will not be discouraged.
fight is much better than winning, travel and much more fun than arriving, when you arrived or you won, I feel a great emptiness.
Yes, I hope you're the woman, never mind if I call you baby.
And I hope you never say what my mother says.
IO, did not I ever told.
continues ........
Friday, March 13, 2009
Catering Cost For Hor Dourves
I will not see me again for long time ...
but in the meantime I leave these delights on my dear beautiful country:
The Italian had only two things on my mind: the other is spaghetti.
Italian people lose wars as they were part of soccer and football matches as if they were wars. L
Italy is the cradle of the law and is now becoming the tomb of justice. L
Italy stands only because he does not know which way to fall.
Paradise is a British cop, a French cook, an experienced German, an Italian lover, all organized by the Swiss.
The hell is a British chef, a Frenchman, a German policeman, a lover Switzerland and reputable organizations to the Italians.
suggest that Italy be abolished as an independent state and becoming a colony of a civilized country.
told reporters Italian foreign cultural policy is no easy task. First of all need jail not to laugh.
In Italy, the shortest line between two points is the arabesque.
The law in Italy is like the honor of whores.
laugh or cry? I do not know ....
but in the meantime I leave these delights on my dear beautiful country:
The Italian had only two things on my mind: the other is spaghetti.
Italian people lose wars as they were part of soccer and football matches as if they were wars. L
Italy is the cradle of the law and is now becoming the tomb of justice. L
Italy stands only because he does not know which way to fall.
Paradise is a British cop, a French cook, an experienced German, an Italian lover, all organized by the Swiss.
The hell is a British chef, a Frenchman, a German policeman, a lover Switzerland and reputable organizations to the Italians.
suggest that Italy be abolished as an independent state and becoming a colony of a civilized country.
told reporters Italian foreign cultural policy is no easy task. First of all need jail not to laugh.
In Italy, the shortest line between two points is the arabesque.
The law in Italy is like the honor of whores.
laugh or cry? I do not know ....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Is There A Difference Between Maize And Corn
not be sorry but I have no more internet ....
Forgive back soon as I can.
Forgive back soon as I can.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Southpark Iphone Online
Friday, February 27, 2009
Congrats Pregnancy Message
Prayer in February (Moreover, more than forwarded)
Dio di misericordia,
il tuo bell paradiso
lo hai fatto soprattutto per chi non ha sorriso,
per quelli che han vissuto co la coscienza pura
l'inferno esiste solo per chi ne ha paura.
é un periodo un po nero ragazzuoli.... che dire, spero duriil meno possibile,piu than that, today, I do not know what to do prorpio.
Dio di misericordia,
il tuo bell paradiso
lo hai fatto soprattutto per chi non ha sorriso,
per quelli che han vissuto co la coscienza pura
l'inferno esiste solo per chi ne ha paura.
é un periodo un po nero ragazzuoli.... che dire, spero duriil meno possibile,piu than that, today, I do not know what to do prorpio.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Performance Evaluation Conversation
Benjamin Fraser
Their spirits beat upon my
like the wings of a thousand butterflies.
I closed my eyes, and heard them vibrate.
I closed my eyes, but I knew when their lashes
crashing down his cheeks from his eyes, turned his head and when
and when their clothes were joining them, or belong to the exquisite
Their spirits watched my ecstasy
with expansive views of indifference stellar. Ilori spirits
watched my torture;
drank it as if it were water of life;
with flushed cheeks, bright eyes
with the flame of my soul straight gilded their spirits, like butterfly wings
issues from a stroke to sunlight.
Eınvocavano from me just life, life, life.
But I took for myself,
grabbing and squeezing those souls,
comeun child crushes grapes and drinks
Giumella to the purple juice,
came to this wingless void,
where neither red, nor gold, nor wine, nor
you know the rhythm of life.
Friday, February 13, 2009
How To Name Factory Sound Bank
desire to calm the Kingdom of Nehir
The inhabitants of the kingdom of Nehir had surrounded the palace of their king engaging in rebellion against him.
And he descended the steps of the palace wearing the crown in one hand and a scepter in the other. The majesty 'of its appearance silence' the crowd, he stopped 'before them and said: "My friends, because you are not my people, here I yield my crown and my scepter to you. I want to be one of you . I am solo un uomo, ma da uomo io voglio lavorare insieme a voi, di modo che la nostra sorte sia migliore. Non ce ne é bisogno di un re. perciö andiamo tra i campi e le vigne e lavoriamo mano nella mano. Ditemi solo in quale campo o quale vigna volete che vada. Ognuno di voi ora é il re".
E la gente si meravigliö, e la quiete fu sopra loro, perché il re che consideravano la causa del loro malcontento, ora cedeva corona e scettro, e diveniva uno di loro.
Allora ognuno di loro andö per la propria strada, e il re s'incamminö con uno degli uomini verso un campo.
Ma nel regno di Nehir le cose non andavano tanto meglio senza un re, e la foschia del malcontento tronö ancora sopra il paese.
İl popolo vociava in the market place saying he wanted to be governed, who wanted to have a king who would rule them.
And the elders and youth as one voice said: "We want to be our king."
And the king sought and found him to toil in a field, and brought him back to the throne and made a crown and a scepter. And they said: "Now reigns over us, with power and justice."
And he said, "I certainly want to rule over you with power, and may the gods of heaven and earth to help me to rule with justice."
And here were men and women in his presence and spoke to him about a baron who wronged them, el, cons, derava nothing more than servants. Immediately call the King Baron to him and said: "The life of a man weighs as much as the life of another in the balance of God because you do not know weigh the lives of those who work in your fields and your vineyards, you are banned, and let this kingdom forever. "
the next day you racarono other subjects by the king and told him of the cruelty of a countess who lived in the 'mountains, and how he had reduced them to poverty. The countess was immediately summoned to court, and the king also decreed exile for her, saying: "those who cultivate our fields and our vineyards care and most noble of us who eat bread made from them and drink the wine of their press. And because you do not know this, you leave this earth and you'll be away from this kingdom.
Then came men and women saying that the bishop made them carry and break stones for the cathedral without any compensation, although they knew that the coffers of the bishop were full of gold and silver while they had nothing but hunger.
E The king sent for the bishop, and when the bishop added, the king spoke and said: "You carry the cross on his chest that give life should mean life. But instead you've got life without giving anything. So let this kingdom never to return again. "
And so every day for a full moon, men and women went to the king to speak to the loads that bear on them. And so every day for a full moon, every oppressor was exiled from regno.
E il popolo di Nehir si stupiva, e c era allegria nel loro cuore.
E un giorno gli anziani e i giovani vennero e circondarono la torre del re e lo chiamarono. E lui venne giü tenendo lo scettro con una mano e la corona nell altra.
Lui disse: "Ora cosa volete da me? Ecco vi rendo cio che desideravate tenessi".
Ma gli gridarono: " No, No, tu sei il nostro legittimo re. Hai liberato la regione dalle vipere e hai ridotto i lupi all'impotenza, e siam venuti per cantarti il nostro ringraziamento. La corona é tua nella maesta' e lo scettro nella tua gloria".
Allora il re disse:
"No, Non io, Non io. Voi stessi siete i re. Quando mi rştenevate debole e incapace di governare, voi stessi were weak and incapable. And if now the conditions have changed and because the kingdom is you want. I am not a thought in the minds of you all, and exists only in your actions. There is a person who reigns over all there are only subjects that govern themselves. "
And the king back in the tower with the crown and scepter.
And the elders and young people went to various streets and were happy.
And everybody thought of himself as a king with a crown in one hand and a scepter in the other.

The inhabitants of the kingdom of Nehir had surrounded the palace of their king engaging in rebellion against him.
And he descended the steps of the palace wearing the crown in one hand and a scepter in the other. The majesty 'of its appearance silence' the crowd, he stopped 'before them and said: "My friends, because you are not my people, here I yield my crown and my scepter to you. I want to be one of you . I am solo un uomo, ma da uomo io voglio lavorare insieme a voi, di modo che la nostra sorte sia migliore. Non ce ne é bisogno di un re. perciö andiamo tra i campi e le vigne e lavoriamo mano nella mano. Ditemi solo in quale campo o quale vigna volete che vada. Ognuno di voi ora é il re".
E la gente si meravigliö, e la quiete fu sopra loro, perché il re che consideravano la causa del loro malcontento, ora cedeva corona e scettro, e diveniva uno di loro.
Allora ognuno di loro andö per la propria strada, e il re s'incamminö con uno degli uomini verso un campo.
Ma nel regno di Nehir le cose non andavano tanto meglio senza un re, e la foschia del malcontento tronö ancora sopra il paese.
İl popolo vociava in the market place saying he wanted to be governed, who wanted to have a king who would rule them.
And the elders and youth as one voice said: "We want to be our king."
And the king sought and found him to toil in a field, and brought him back to the throne and made a crown and a scepter. And they said: "Now reigns over us, with power and justice."
And he said, "I certainly want to rule over you with power, and may the gods of heaven and earth to help me to rule with justice."
And here were men and women in his presence and spoke to him about a baron who wronged them, el, cons, derava nothing more than servants. Immediately call the King Baron to him and said: "The life of a man weighs as much as the life of another in the balance of God because you do not know weigh the lives of those who work in your fields and your vineyards, you are banned, and let this kingdom forever. "
the next day you racarono other subjects by the king and told him of the cruelty of a countess who lived in the 'mountains, and how he had reduced them to poverty. The countess was immediately summoned to court, and the king also decreed exile for her, saying: "those who cultivate our fields and our vineyards care and most noble of us who eat bread made from them and drink the wine of their press. And because you do not know this, you leave this earth and you'll be away from this kingdom.
Then came men and women saying that the bishop made them carry and break stones for the cathedral without any compensation, although they knew that the coffers of the bishop were full of gold and silver while they had nothing but hunger.
E The king sent for the bishop, and when the bishop added, the king spoke and said: "You carry the cross on his chest that give life should mean life. But instead you've got life without giving anything. So let this kingdom never to return again. "
And so every day for a full moon, men and women went to the king to speak to the loads that bear on them. And so every day for a full moon, every oppressor was exiled from regno.
E il popolo di Nehir si stupiva, e c era allegria nel loro cuore.
E un giorno gli anziani e i giovani vennero e circondarono la torre del re e lo chiamarono. E lui venne giü tenendo lo scettro con una mano e la corona nell altra.
Lui disse: "Ora cosa volete da me? Ecco vi rendo cio che desideravate tenessi".
Ma gli gridarono: " No, No, tu sei il nostro legittimo re. Hai liberato la regione dalle vipere e hai ridotto i lupi all'impotenza, e siam venuti per cantarti il nostro ringraziamento. La corona é tua nella maesta' e lo scettro nella tua gloria".
Allora il re disse:
"No, Non io, Non io. Voi stessi siete i re. Quando mi rştenevate debole e incapace di governare, voi stessi were weak and incapable. And if now the conditions have changed and because the kingdom is you want. I am not a thought in the minds of you all, and exists only in your actions. There is a person who reigns over all there are only subjects that govern themselves. "
And the king back in the tower with the crown and scepter.
And the elders and young people went to various streets and were happy.
And everybody thought of himself as a king with a crown in one hand and a scepter in the other.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Very Low Cut Wrestling Singlet
Wednesday dull ....
People say I have an imaginative mind - probably the kindest ever invented to say: "You crazy!".
Perhaps they are right. When I allow myself to not panic and lose their train of thought, when the gaze of the other scares me even though I pretend to nothing, when I introduce myself to a stranger forcing myself to ignore what I myself may have nothing, when the past makes me badly and is difficult to accept that the fuuro will not be better, when I can not accept who I am or where I am, I am all right now, I say nonsense, I know. But the sense is not far from exactly what the truth lies.
The deception distorts the truth. The compound
nonsense and deceit from truth to the point that it becomes impossible to distinguish them.
may seem complicated, but it's actually very simple. So simple that it can be represented by a line.
We assume that truth is a horizontal line.
And that what we call deceive both a vertical line.
As for the nonsense as it will appear here:
With its trajectory without beginning or end, the circle does not recognize the horizontal or the vertical axis.
You can be in a circle from anywhere, provided you do not confuse that with a beginning point.
no point of departure, no interruptions, no end.
No matter what time I take the first step, there will always be a time before, always one step before each step - so there will never be a real start.
People say I have an imaginative mind - probably the kindest ever invented to say: "You crazy!".
Perhaps they are right. When I allow myself to not panic and lose their train of thought, when the gaze of the other scares me even though I pretend to nothing, when I introduce myself to a stranger forcing myself to ignore what I myself may have nothing, when the past makes me badly and is difficult to accept that the fuuro will not be better, when I can not accept who I am or where I am, I am all right now, I say nonsense, I know. But the sense is not far from exactly what the truth lies.
The deception distorts the truth. The compound
nonsense and deceit from truth to the point that it becomes impossible to distinguish them.
may seem complicated, but it's actually very simple. So simple that it can be represented by a line.
We assume that truth is a horizontal line.

And that what we call deceive both a vertical line.

As for the nonsense as it will appear here:

With its trajectory without beginning or end, the circle does not recognize the horizontal or the vertical axis.
You can be in a circle from anywhere, provided you do not confuse that with a beginning point.
no point of departure, no interruptions, no end.
No matter what time I take the first step, there will always be a time before, always one step before each step - so there will never be a real start.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Large Lump On My Dogs Tail
"The life of every individual does not belong to the government and does not belong to the Church. The life belongs only to those who live there. The decree of Berlusconi, transformed into the bill after President Napolitano, by guardian of the Constitution, refused to sign it, he wants to steal that citizens about their lives and return to the will of the totalitarian state and the Church. making forced nutrition and hydration even against the wishes of the patient, legally enforced to torture every terminally ill patient.
While Khomeini to impose this law, Berlusconi said that it intends to subvert the Constitution of the Republic. E'arrivato to offend one of the most democratic constitutions in the world, our own, calling it "-Soviet", and never misses an opportunity to praise his "friend Putin, former head of the KGB. Berlusconi that the government has now declared war on the Republican Constitution, it is the duty of every citizen to oppose a democratic firm "enough!".
To say yes to life and no to torture, to say yes and no to the constitution draft obscurantist dictatorship, to say yes to the President who supports the Constitution against those who violate the demeans, insults, we call on all democratic self-organize to a large and peaceful demonstration, without flags of the party, only with a passion Civil commitment of free citizens, in Rome, in Piazza Navona, Saturday, February 14 at 15.
Spread the word, democracy also depends on you. "
mail arrives by Micromega .... I do not take it anymore ... do not take it anymore, anyone here asks me:" How? "" As "Can they have voted yet?" "How is it that makes everything he does and do nothing?" "as you may burn the Indians without a minimum of dıgnazıone by your authority?" "How can a foreign state I put stakes, heard from your - "elected" - "" How is it that in Europe, a country-"civilized" - a person can not decide on his life, a life of loving people even of their sex, live though not as white as milk? "
I do not know .... I do not know that answer ..... I'm young I should be full of ideals and great expectations for my future, I see everything pink believe they can change everything.
I can not ... not today .... I feel so tired I ..... image you ....
Monday, February 2, 2009
Rogue Status Gunshow Shift Boot
As a black man on earth
read and copied the post from the Russian
That 's the appeal of the blog' Like a man on earth ':
Tuesday, February 3 in the Senate opens debate on Italy-Libya treaty.
We decided to make our and your voice makes an appeal and attached to broadcast via Web AS A MAN ON EARTH Monday, February 2 Tuesday, February 3 and on the website of the film. (Http://comeunuomosullaterra.blogspot.com/)
disseminate as this possible.
the appeal and sent via mail (with subject: TREATY ITALIA-LIBIA e DIRITTI UMANI) ai senatori (i cui indirizzi trovate qui http://www.senato.it/leg/16/BGT
/Schede/Attsen/Sena.html) ed in particolare ail Presidente del Senato (schifani_r@posta.senato.it) e ai capigruppo (finocchiaro_a@posta.senato.it,
dalia_g@posta.senato.it, gasparri@tin.it , bricolo_f@posta.senato.it ,
belisario_f@posta.senato.it )
Grazie a tutti
Autori e produzione COME UN UOMO SULLA TERRA
Questo, invece, è il testo della petizione da inviare agli indirizzi sopra citati:
On February 3, opens the debate in the Senate to approve the Treaty between Italy and Libya.
With this appeal we raise a petition against the deportations of migrants in Libya, promoted by the authors of the film as a man on earth and by the Fortress Europe today and already signed by over 2500 people.
In Italy-Libya treaty is not intended for the Gaddafi government of any obligation of concrete and verifiable acceptance and protection of asylum law, respect for human dignity: Libya will simply have to "stop", no matter what. This direction does nothing but confirm the reduction of migrants to "political process" in order to develop freely. Gaddafi may continue to use the flow of migrants as an instrument of pressure to increase its bargaining power with Italy and Europe. The migrants, among which there are too many women and children, continue to risk their lives, both in prisons, in containers and in the centers of the Libyan police, as in the desert and the sea, which will be pushed even more to cross his due violence by the Libyan police itself. In Libya you do
continuing violations of fundamental human rights: indiscriminate arrests, violence, mass deportations, torture, complicity between police and traffickers. Migrants, many of them fleeing war-torn countries or dictatorships come Etiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, non è garantito alcun diritto, a partire proprio da quelli di asilo e di protezione umanitaria, perché la Libia semplicemente non ha mai aderito alla Convenzione di Ginevra. Per questo alla Libia non può essere affidato con tanta noncuranza e superficialità il compito di “fermare i migranti”. Chiediamo pertanto che nella discussione al Senato sul Trattato si tenga presente quanto richiesto nella petizione, dove le centinaia di firmatari chiedono che Parlamento Italiano ed Europeo, insieme a Governo Italiano, CE e a UNHCR promuovano:
1. Una commissione di inchiesta internazionale e indipendente sulle modalità di controllo dei flussi migratori in Libia anche in seguito agli accordi bilateral talks with the Italian Government.
2. The quick start, with the emergence of the situation, an international humanitarian mission to Libya to verify the conditions of detainees in prisons and detention centers for foreigners.
invite all Italians, particularly senators and deputies, see Monday, February 2 at 21:00, Tuesday, February 3 at 9.30, 14.30 and 21.00 the film as a man on earth, that at this delicate stage production and the authors have decided to to broadcast via the web site of the film:
Signatories of the appeal:
Dario, Marco Paolini, Ascanio Celestini, Franca Rame, Marco Baliani, Gad Lerner, Emanuele Crialese Erri De Luca, Felice Laudadio, Fausto Paravidino, Francesco Munzi, Goffredo Fofi, Francesca Comencini, Giuseppe Cederna, Luca Bigazzi, Maddalena Bolognini, George Gose, Gianfranco Pannone, Giovanni Piperno , Giovanna Taviani, Alessandro Rizzo, Andrea Segre, Dagmawi Yimer, Riccardo Biadene, Stefano Liberati, Marco Carsetti, Alessandro Triulzi, Gabriele Del Grande, 2500 Igiaba Scieghi and other signatories from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, England, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Mali and other countries.
For information and to sign the petition: http://comeunuomosullaterra.blogspot.com
read and copied the post from the Russian

That 's the appeal of the blog' Like a man on earth ':
Tuesday, February 3 in the Senate opens debate on Italy-Libya treaty.
We decided to make our and your voice makes an appeal and attached to broadcast via Web AS A MAN ON EARTH Monday, February 2 Tuesday, February 3 and on the website of the film. (Http://comeunuomosullaterra.blogspot.com/)
disseminate as this possible.
the appeal and sent via mail (with subject: TREATY ITALIA-LIBIA e DIRITTI UMANI) ai senatori (i cui indirizzi trovate qui http://www.senato.it/leg/16/BGT
/Schede/Attsen/Sena.html) ed in particolare ail Presidente del Senato (schifani_r@posta.senato.it) e ai capigruppo (finocchiaro_a@posta.senato.it,
dalia_g@posta.senato.it, gasparri@tin.it , bricolo_f@posta.senato.it ,
belisario_f@posta.senato.it )
Grazie a tutti
Autori e produzione COME UN UOMO SULLA TERRA
Questo, invece, è il testo della petizione da inviare agli indirizzi sopra citati:
On February 3, opens the debate in the Senate to approve the Treaty between Italy and Libya.
With this appeal we raise a petition against the deportations of migrants in Libya, promoted by the authors of the film as a man on earth and by the Fortress Europe today and already signed by over 2500 people.
In Italy-Libya treaty is not intended for the Gaddafi government of any obligation of concrete and verifiable acceptance and protection of asylum law, respect for human dignity: Libya will simply have to "stop", no matter what. This direction does nothing but confirm the reduction of migrants to "political process" in order to develop freely. Gaddafi may continue to use the flow of migrants as an instrument of pressure to increase its bargaining power with Italy and Europe. The migrants, among which there are too many women and children, continue to risk their lives, both in prisons, in containers and in the centers of the Libyan police, as in the desert and the sea, which will be pushed even more to cross his due violence by the Libyan police itself. In Libya you do
continuing violations of fundamental human rights: indiscriminate arrests, violence, mass deportations, torture, complicity between police and traffickers. Migrants, many of them fleeing war-torn countries or dictatorships come Etiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, non è garantito alcun diritto, a partire proprio da quelli di asilo e di protezione umanitaria, perché la Libia semplicemente non ha mai aderito alla Convenzione di Ginevra. Per questo alla Libia non può essere affidato con tanta noncuranza e superficialità il compito di “fermare i migranti”. Chiediamo pertanto che nella discussione al Senato sul Trattato si tenga presente quanto richiesto nella petizione, dove le centinaia di firmatari chiedono che Parlamento Italiano ed Europeo, insieme a Governo Italiano, CE e a UNHCR promuovano:
1. Una commissione di inchiesta internazionale e indipendente sulle modalità di controllo dei flussi migratori in Libia anche in seguito agli accordi bilateral talks with the Italian Government.
2. The quick start, with the emergence of the situation, an international humanitarian mission to Libya to verify the conditions of detainees in prisons and detention centers for foreigners.
invite all Italians, particularly senators and deputies, see Monday, February 2 at 21:00, Tuesday, February 3 at 9.30, 14.30 and 21.00 the film as a man on earth, that at this delicate stage production and the authors have decided to to broadcast via the web site of the film:
Signatories of the appeal:
Dario, Marco Paolini, Ascanio Celestini, Franca Rame, Marco Baliani, Gad Lerner, Emanuele Crialese Erri De Luca, Felice Laudadio, Fausto Paravidino, Francesco Munzi, Goffredo Fofi, Francesca Comencini, Giuseppe Cederna, Luca Bigazzi, Maddalena Bolognini, George Gose, Gianfranco Pannone, Giovanni Piperno , Giovanna Taviani, Alessandro Rizzo, Andrea Segre, Dagmawi Yimer, Riccardo Biadene, Stefano Liberati, Marco Carsetti, Alessandro Triulzi, Gabriele Del Grande, 2500 Igiaba Scieghi and other signatories from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, England, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Mali and other countries.
For information and to sign the petition: http://comeunuomosullaterra.blogspot.com
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Zac Efron Look Like Brent Corrigan
Nazim Hikmet
Anima mia
Anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
e come s'affonda nell'acqua
immergiti nel sonno
nuda e vestita di bianco
il più bello dei sogni
ti accoglierà
anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
abbandonati come nell'arco delle mie braccia
nel tuo sonno non dimenticarmi
chiudi gli occhi pian piano
i tuoi occhi marroni
dove brucia una fiamma verde
anima mia.
Amo in te
l'avventura della nave che va verso il polo
amo in te
l'audacia the players of the great discoveries in
love you far away things you love about the impossible
later in your eyes like in a forest
sunny and sweaty
hungry angry I have the passion of the hunter
to bite into your flesh.
love you in the impossible
but not despair.
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
before it burns
PARIS Paris, 1958
As long time yet, my love
and before long even burn Paris
time, my love
until my heart is on his branch
I would like a night in May
one night along the Seine
mouth and then going to Notre-Dame
contemplate his
rosette, and suddenly bolting me
fear of joy and wonder
the stars weep silently weep
mixed with light rain. Until
still time, my love and before it burns
Paris until more time, my love
until my heart is on his branch
on this night of May
under the willows along the Seine, my rose, with you under
the weeping willows soft rain
I'd say the two words most repeated in Paris
the most repeated, the most sincere
burst of happiness
whistling a song and we will believe in men.
In alto, le case di pietra
senza incavi nè gobbe
coi loro muri al chiar di luna
e le loro finestre diritte che dormono in piedi
e sulla riva di fronte il Louvre
illuminato dai proiettori
illuminato da noi due
il nostro splendido palazzo
di cristallo.
Finchè ancora tempo, mio amore
e prima che bruci Parigi
finchè ancora tempo, mio amore
finchè il mio cuore è sul suo ramo
in questa notte di maggio, lungo la Senna, nei depositi
ci siederemmo sui barili rossi
di fronte al fiume scuro nella notte
per salutare la chiatta dalla cabina gialla che passa
- verso il Belgio o verso l'Olanda? -
front of the cab a woman with a white apron
smiles sweetly. Until
still time, my love and before it burns
Paris until more time, my love.
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
You're my bondage my freedom my bondage
You are my freedom
are my burning flesh
as the bare flesh of the summer nights
you're my home, with green reflections of your eyes you
, tall and victorious
are my nostalgia
of knowing at the very moment that grabs you
- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Ciò che ho scritto di noi
Ciò che ho scritto di noi è tutta una bugia
è la mia nostalgia
cresciuta sul ramo inaccessibile
è la mia sete
tirata su dal pozzo dei miei sogni
è il disegno
tracciato su un raggio di sole
ciò che ho scritto di noi è tutta verità
è la tua grazia
cesta colma di frutti rovesciata sull'erba
è la tua assenza
quando divento l'ultima luce all'ultimo angolo della via
è la mia gelosia
quando corro di notte fra i treni con gli occhi bendati
è la mia felicità
fiume soleggiato che irrompe sulle dighe
ciò che ho scritto of us is all a lie
what I have written about us is all truth.
------------------------------------------------- -------
do not ask me the translation, do not know.
but you can hear his first one in his language and poetry, is wonderful for me 2 hear what kind of language I have to learn! =)
Pencereler (windows)
I, with a book of poems such as these in my hands, I am leaving for Istanbul.
to make good ....

Anima mia
Anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
e come s'affonda nell'acqua
immergiti nel sonno
nuda e vestita di bianco
il più bello dei sogni
ti accoglierà
anima mia
chiudi gli occhi
piano piano
abbandonati come nell'arco delle mie braccia
nel tuo sonno non dimenticarmi
chiudi gli occhi pian piano
i tuoi occhi marroni
dove brucia una fiamma verde
anima mia.
Amo in te
l'avventura della nave che va verso il polo
amo in te
l'audacia the players of the great discoveries in
love you far away things you love about the impossible
later in your eyes like in a forest
sunny and sweaty
hungry angry I have the passion of the hunter
to bite into your flesh.
love you in the impossible
but not despair.
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
before it burns
PARIS Paris, 1958
As long time yet, my love
and before long even burn Paris
time, my love
until my heart is on his branch
I would like a night in May
one night along the Seine
mouth and then going to Notre-Dame
contemplate his
rosette, and suddenly bolting me
fear of joy and wonder
the stars weep silently weep
mixed with light rain. Until
still time, my love and before it burns
Paris until more time, my love
until my heart is on his branch
on this night of May
under the willows along the Seine, my rose, with you under
the weeping willows soft rain
I'd say the two words most repeated in Paris
the most repeated, the most sincere
burst of happiness
whistling a song and we will believe in men.
In alto, le case di pietra
senza incavi nè gobbe
coi loro muri al chiar di luna
e le loro finestre diritte che dormono in piedi
e sulla riva di fronte il Louvre
illuminato dai proiettori
illuminato da noi due
il nostro splendido palazzo
di cristallo.
Finchè ancora tempo, mio amore
e prima che bruci Parigi
finchè ancora tempo, mio amore
finchè il mio cuore è sul suo ramo
in questa notte di maggio, lungo la Senna, nei depositi
ci siederemmo sui barili rossi
di fronte al fiume scuro nella notte
per salutare la chiatta dalla cabina gialla che passa
- verso il Belgio o verso l'Olanda? -
front of the cab a woman with a white apron
smiles sweetly. Until
still time, my love and before it burns
Paris until more time, my love.
------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
You're my bondage my freedom my bondage
You are my freedom
are my burning flesh
as the bare flesh of the summer nights
you're my home, with green reflections of your eyes you
, tall and victorious
are my nostalgia
of knowing at the very moment that grabs you
- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Ciò che ho scritto di noi
Ciò che ho scritto di noi è tutta una bugia
è la mia nostalgia
cresciuta sul ramo inaccessibile
è la mia sete
tirata su dal pozzo dei miei sogni
è il disegno
tracciato su un raggio di sole
ciò che ho scritto di noi è tutta verità
è la tua grazia
cesta colma di frutti rovesciata sull'erba
è la tua assenza
quando divento l'ultima luce all'ultimo angolo della via
è la mia gelosia
quando corro di notte fra i treni con gli occhi bendati
è la mia felicità
fiume soleggiato che irrompe sulle dighe
ciò che ho scritto of us is all a lie
what I have written about us is all truth.
------------------------------------------------- -------
do not ask me the translation, do not know.
but you can hear his first one in his language and poetry, is wonderful for me 2 hear what kind of language I have to learn! =)
Pencereler (windows)
I, with a book of poems such as these in my hands, I am leaving for Istanbul.
to make good ....
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